Hello everyone, hope all is well. This is the script I was working on and it's finally done.
Code: Select all
[09:53] <BAYO> !w London
[09:53] <ec|ipse> London, GB at the moment: 10°C Overcast Sky Cloudy Percip Prob 43% Humidity 83% Wind 9km/h from East-Southeast Wind gusts 10km/h Tomorrow: Min/Max (↓3°C/↑13C°)
[09:53] <ec|ipse> Alerts: No
[09:53] <BAYO> !a London
[09:53] <ec|ipse> ---=== Astro Information ===---
[09:53] <ec|ipse> The time in London, GB is 09:53h. Time Zone Europe/London (Day) Day length 11:54h
[09:53] <ec|ipse> The Sun: Sunrise at 06:12h and Sunset at 18:06h UV index Medium ☀️ Radiation 23.9W/m2 ☀️⚡ Energy 0.1kWh/m2
[09:53] <ec|ipse> The Moon: Moonrise at 15:49h and Sunset at 06:06h Moon Phase Waxing Gibbous
[09:53] <BAYO> !3 London
[09:53] <ec|ipse> Three day forecast for London, England, United Kingdom (London)
[09:53] <ec|ipse> Thu, 17 Mar - Partly cloudy throughout the day. Temp: 8°C Feels like: 7°C Min/Max: (3°C/13°C) Percip: 43%
[09:53] <ec|ipse> Fri, 18 Mar - Clear conditions throughout the day. Temp: 9°C Feels like: 9°C Min/Max: (4°C/15°C) Percip: 0%
[09:54] <ec|ipse> Sat, 19 Mar - Partly cloudy throughout the day. Temp: 8°C Feels like: 6°C Min/Max: (6°C/12°C) Percip: 0%
[09:54] <BAYO> !g
[09:54] <ec|ipse> Current weather: Sandanski 11°C /overcast clouds/ Varna 7°C /overcast clouds/ Sofia 8°C /broken clouds/ London 10°C /broken clouds/ Melbourne 21°C /broken clouds/
Code: Select all
[09:55] <BAYO> !w Miami
[09:55] <ec|ipse> Miami, US at the moment: 23°C Rain, Partially cloudy Sky ⛅ Partly Sunny Percip Prob 81% Humidity 78% Wind 8km/h from South-Southeast Wind gusts 16km/h Tomorrow: Min/Max (↓22°C/↑28C°)
[09:55] <ec|ipse> Alerts: Rip Current Statement
[09:55] <ec|ipse> [!Danger!] Rip Current Statement issued March 16 at 3:07AM EDT until March 16 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Miami [From:] Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:07 [To:] Thu, 17 Mar 2022 00:00
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6q7yzhf8 ... .json/file
Code: Select all
# @UniBG irc.chatpat.bg #
# @FreeUniBG irc.interbg.org #
# Credits: MeMoreX & SpiKe^^ #
# Est: 01\2022 #
namespace eval Visualcrossing {
### Requirements
package require json
package require tls
package require http
### Binding
bind PUB -|- !g ::Visualcrossing::group_weather
bind PUB -|- !w ::Visualcrossing::pub_weather
bind PUB -|- !3 ::Visualcrossing::forecast_weather
bind PUB -|- !ww ::Visualcrossing::world_weather
### The API Keys
#OpenWeather @ https://openweathermap.org/
set appid ""
#IpGeoLocation @ https://ipgeolocation.io/signup.html
set apiKey ""
#Visualcrossing @ https://visualcrossing.com/sign-up
set key ""
### Procedures start here
proc ::Visualcrossing::download_weather {url} {
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)"
set socket [http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
set items_data [http::data $socket]
if {[http::status $socket] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $socket] != 200} {
set code [http::code $socket]
putlog "\00304***\003 Weather HTTP error: $code"
putlog "\00304***\003 Request url is: $url"
http::cleanup $socket
return 0
http::cleanup $socket
return $items_data
### The Main Proc
proc ::Visualcrossing::pub_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set items_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/weatherdata/forecast?[::http::formatQuery location $arg aggregateHours 24 forecastdays 3 includeAstronomy true locationMode lookup unitGroup metric shortColumnNames false contentType json alertLevel event lang en nonulls true key $::Visualcrossing::key]]
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Syntax: !w city/location" ; return }
### The Main Dict
set connect [::json::json2dict $items_data]
### The First Stack
set locations [dict get $connect locations]
set cityname [lindex $locations 0]
set citydata [lindex $locations 1]
set tz [dict get $citydata tz]
set long [dict get $citydata longitude]
set lat [dict get $citydata latitude]
### The Second Stack
set current [dict get $citydata currentConditions]
if {$current != "null"} { set conditions $current }
if {$current == "null" || $current == "" || $current == " "} { set currCond "No info but try again later." } else { set currCond $current }
set wdir [join [::Visualcrossing::deg_to_dir [dict get $current wdir]]]
set wspd [dict get $current wspd]
if {$wdir eq "null" || $wdir eq "" || $wdir eq " "} { set windir "No info but try again later." } else { set windir $wdir }
if {$wspd eq "null" || $wspd eq "" || $wspd eq " "} { set wspeed "None" } else { set wspeed [expr round($wspd)]km/h}
if {$wspd ne "null"} {set wspd [expr round($wspd)]}
set wgust [dict get $current wgust]
if {$wgust eq "null" || $wgust eq "" || $wgust eq " "} { set wgustmsg "None" } else { set wgustmsg [expr round($wgust)]km/h}
if {$wgust ne "null"} {set wgust [expr round($wgust)]}
set temp [dict get $current temp]
set temp [expr round($temp)]
### The Third Stack
set values [dict get $citydata values]
set alert [dict get [lindex $values 0] alerts]
if {$alert eq "null"} { set alertmsg "No" } else { set alertmsg $alert }
set mint [dict get [lindex $values 1] mint]
set mint [expr round($mint)]
set maxt [dict get [lindex $values 1] maxt]
set maxt [expr round($maxt)]
set humi [dict get [lindex $values 0] humidity]
set humi [expr round($humi)]
set cond [dict get [lindex $values 0] conditions]
set cloud [dict get [lindex $values 0] cloudcover]
set pop [dict get [lindex $values 0] pop]
set pop [expr round($pop)]
### The Fourth Stack
set sun_moon_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?[http::formatQuery apiKey $::Visualcrossing::apiKey location $arg]]
if {$sun_moon_data == 0} { return }
set sunmoon_dict [::json::json2dict $sun_moon_data]
set sunrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunrise]
set sunset [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunset]
set current_time [string range [dict get $sunmoon_dict current_time] 0 4]
if {$current_time > $sunset} { set currtime "Night" } { set currtime "Day" }
if {$cloud < 10} {
if {$currtime eq "Day"} { set sky "Sunny" } else { set sky "Clear" }
} elseif {$cloud < 20} {
if {$currtime eq "Day"} { set sky "Sunny to Mostly Sunny" } else { set sky "Fair" }
} elseif {$cloud < 30} {
if {$currtime eq "Day"} { set sky "Mostly Sunny" } else { set sky "Mostly Fair" }
} elseif {$cloud < 60} {
if {$currtime eq "Day"} { set sky "\u26c5 Partly Sunny" } else { set sky "Partly Cloudy" }
} elseif {$cloud < 90} { set sky "Mostly Cloudy" } else { set sky "Cloudy" }
#putlog "Day\Night -> $currtime | CloudCover% -> $cloud | Conditions -> $cond | Sunset time: $sunset and Current time is $current_time ?"
### The Fifth Stack
set weather_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?[http::formatQuery q $arg appid $::Visualcrossing::appid lang us units metric]]
if {$weather_data == 0} { return }
set weather_dict [::json::json2dict $weather_data]
set city [dict get $weather_dict name]
set country [join [dict get $weather_dict sys country]]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00307\002$city, $country\003\002 \00314at the moment: \00307$temp°C \00307$cond\003\ \00314Sky\003 \00307$sky\003 \00314Percip Prob \00307$pop\%\003 \00314Humidity \00307$humi\%\003 \00314Wind\003 \00307$wspeed \00314from \00307$wdir\003 \00314Wind gusts\003 \00307$wgustmsg\003 \00314Tomorrow: Min/Max (\003\00307↓$mint\°C\003\00314/\00307↑$maxt\C°\003\00314)\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Alerts:\003 \00304$alertmsg\003"
if {$alertmsg eq "No"} { return 0 }
set alerts [dict get $citydata alerts]
if {$alerts eq "null"} { return 0 }
set head [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] headline]
set onsetEpoch [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] onsetEpoch]
set endsEpoch [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] endsEpoch]
set ondate [clock format $onsetEpoch -format "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M"]
set offdate [clock format $endsEpoch -format "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M"]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[\00304!\003\00314Danger\00304!\003]\ \00304$head \003\[\00314From:\003]\00304 $ondate \003\[\00314To:\003]\00304 $offdate\003"
### The Second proc for the group cities by ID
proc ::Visualcrossing::group_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set group_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/group?[http::formatQuery id 727447,726051,727011,2643743,7839805 appid $::Visualcrossing::appid lang us units metric]]
if {$group_data == 0} { return }
set group_dict [::json::json2dict $group_data]
set cities [dict get $group_dict list]
set cities_info ""
foreach city $cities {
set temp [dict get $city main temp]
set temp [expr round($temp)]
if {$temp >=0} {
set temp "$temp"
set name [dict get $city name]
set des [dict get [lindex [dict get $city weather] 0] description]
lappend cities_info "\00307$name \00304$temp°C\003 /\00314$des\003/"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Current weather:\003 [join $cities_info " "]"
### The Third proc for the group Top Largest Cities in the world by IDs
proc ::Visualcrossing::world_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set group_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/group?[http::formatQuery id 1850147,1642911,1273294,1816670,3451190,1701668,1835847,5128638,3530597,360630,524894,2013159,745044,3435907,4887398,264371 appid $::Visualcrossing::appid lang en units metric]]
if {$group_data == 0} { return }
set group_dict [::json::json2dict $group_data]
set world_cities [dict get $group_dict list]
set world_cities_info ""
foreach world_city $world_cities {
set world_temp [dict get $world_city main temp]
set world_temp [expr round($world_temp)]
set wname [dict get $world_city name]
set wdes [dict get [lindex [dict get $world_city weather] 0] description]
lappend world_cities_info "\00307$wname \00304$world_temp°C\003 \00314($wdes)\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314World Weather:\003 [join [lrange $world_cities_info 0 7] " "]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[join [lrange $world_cities_info 8 15] " "]"
### Calculates the degrees from the API and converts them to words expresion like the string below
### Attached to the Second Stack of the Main proc
proc ::Visualcrossing::deg_to_dir {value} {
if {$value eq "null"} { return }
set calc [expr ($value / 22.5) + 0.5]
set dirs "North North-Northeast Northeast East-Northeast East East-Southeast Southeast South-Southeast South South-Southwest Southwest West-Southwest West West-Northwest Northwest North-Northeast"
return [lindex $dirs [expr int($calc) % 16]]
### Sets the crontab expresion like the string below
proc ::Visualcrossing::auto_say {min hour day month week} {
::Visualcrossing::group_weather "-" "-" "-" "#Forbidden" "-"
### Timer for making the weather posted in a channel, depends on the preference (refer to https://crontab.guru/)
bind cron -|- "0 */6 * * *" ::Visualcrossing::auto_say
### The Third Proc for 3 days Forecast
proc ::Visualcrossing::forecast_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set forecast_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/timeline/$arg/next3days?unitGroup=metric&key=$::Visualcrossing::key]
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Syntax: !3 city/location" ; return }
set forecast_dict [::json::json2dict $forecast_data]
set days_dict [dict get $forecast_dict days]
set address [dict get $forecast_dict address]
set raddress [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [dict get $forecast_dict resolvedAddress]]
set three_list {}
foreach day $days_dict {
set temp [dict get $day temp]
set temp [expr round($temp)]
set feelslike [dict get $day feelslike]
set feelslike [expr round($feelslike)]
set tempmin [dict get $day tempmin]
set tempmin [expr round($tempmin)]
set tempmax [dict get $day tempmax]
set tempmax [expr round($tempmax)]
set desc [dict get $day description]
set precipprob [dict get $day precipprob]
set precipprob [expr round($precipprob)]
lappend three_list "\002\00307[clock format [dict get $day datetimeEpoch] -format "%a, %e %b"]\002\003 - \00314$desc\003 \00314Temp\003: \00307$temp°C\003 \00314Feels like\003: \00307$feelslike°C\003 \00314Min/Max\003: \00307($tempmin°C/$tempmax°C)\003 \00314Percip\003: \00307$precipprob\%\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Three day forecast for \00307$raddress ($address)\003"
set three_list [lreplace $three_list 0 0]
foreach t $three_list {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$t"
namespace eval SunMoon {
### Requirements
package require json
package require http
package require tls
### Binding
bind PUB - !a ::SunMoon::pub_sun_moon
### The API Keys
#OpenWeather @ https://openweathermap.org/
set appid ""
#IpGeoLocation @ https://ipgeolocation.io/signup.html
set apiKey ""
#Visualcrossing @ https://visualcrossing.com/sign-up
set key ""
### The Main Astro Proc
proc ::SunMoon::download_data {url} {
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)"
set sun_moon [http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
set sun_moon_data [http::data $sun_moon]
if {[http::status $sun_moon] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $sun_moon] != 200} {
set code [http::code $sun_moon]
putlog "\00304***\003 SunMoon HTTP error: $code"
putlog "\00304***\003 Requested url is: $url"
http::cleanup $sun_moon
return 0
http::cleanup $sun_moon
return $sun_moon_data
proc ::SunMoon::pub_sun_moon {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Syntax: !a city/location" ; return }
set sun_moon_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?[http::formatQuery apiKey $::SunMoon::apiKey location $arg]]
if {$sun_moon_data == 0} { return }
set sunmoon_dict [::json::json2dict $sun_moon_data]
set current_time [string range [dict get $sunmoon_dict current_time] 0 4]
set sunrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunrise]
set sunset [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunset]
set daylength [dict get $sunmoon_dict day_length]
set moonrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict moonrise]
set moonset [dict get $sunmoon_dict moonset]
set moon_status [dict get $sunmoon_dict moon_status]
if {$current_time > $sunset} { set currtime "Night" } { set currtime "Day" }
set items_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/weatherdata/forecast?[::http::formatQuery location $arg aggregateHours 24 forecastDays 3 includeAstronomy true locationMode lookup unitGroup metric shortColumnNames false contentType json alertLevel event lang en nonulls true key $::SunMoon::key]]
### The Main Astro Dict
set connect [::json::json2dict $items_data]
###The First Astro Stack
set locations [dict get $connect locations]
set cityname [lindex $locations 0]
set citydata [lindex $locations 1]
set tz [dict get $citydata tz]
## The Second Astro Stack
set current [dict get $citydata currentConditions]
set moon [dict get $current moonphase]
if {$moon eq 0 || $moon eq 1} { set phase "New Moon"
} elseif {$moon < 0.25} { set phase "Waxing Crescent"
} elseif {$moon eq 0.25} { set phase "First Quarter"
} elseif {$moon < 0.5} { set phase "Waxing Gibbous"
} elseif {$moon eq 0.5} { set phase "Full Moon"
} elseif {$moon < 0.75} { set phase "Waning Gibbous"
} elseif {$moon eq 0.75} { set phase "Last Quarter"
} elseif {$moon < 1} { set phase "Waning Crescent"
} else { set phase "Error. Unknown." }
### The Third Astro Stack
set values [dict get $citydata values]
set uv [dict get [lindex $values 0] uvindex]
if {$uv eq 0 || $uv eq 1 || $uv eq 2 || $uv eq 3 || $uv eq 4} { set index "Low"
} elseif {$uv<5 || $uv eq 6} { set index "Medium"
} elseif {$uv<7 || $uv eq 8} { set index "High"
} elseif {$uv<9 || $uv eq 10} { set index "Very High"
} elseif {$uv>11} { set index "Extreme"
} else { set index "Error. Unknown" }
set radiation [dict get [lindex $values 0] solarradiation]
set energy [dict get [lindex $values 0] solarenergy]
### The Fourth Astro Stack
set weather_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?[http::formatQuery q $arg appid $::SunMoon::appid lang us units metric]]
if {$weather_data == 0} { return }
set weather_dict [::json::json2dict $weather_data]
set city [dict get $weather_dict name]
set country [join [dict get $weather_dict sys country]]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : \002\00314 ---=== Astro Information ===---\003\002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314The time in \00307\002$city, $country\003\002 \00314is \00307$current_time\h.\003 \00314Time Zone\003 \00307$tz ($currtime) \003\00314Day length\003 \00304$daylength\h"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314The Sun: \00307Sunrise\003 \00314at \00304$sunrise\h\003 \00314and\003 \00307Sunset \00314at \00304$sunset\h\003 \00307UV index \00304$index\003 ☀️ \00314Radiation \00304$radiation\W/m2\003 ☀️\u26a1 \00314Energy \00304$energy\kWh/m2\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314The Moon: \00307Moonrise\003 \00314at \00304$moonrise\h\003 \00314and\003 \00307Sunset \00314at \00304$moonset\h\00307 Moon Phase \00304$phase\003"
### Lastly, help section on NOTICE for a bit more information
### Binding
bind pub -|- !weather pub:help
proc pub:help {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
if {[llength $text]<1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :----------==========\002Weather Commands\002==========--------------"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!w city/location - Shows current weather conditions."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!a city/location - Shows astronomy information"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!g Shows info for cities IDs as a group from API endpoint."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!ww Shows the weather for the largest cities in the world"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!3 city/location - Three days forecast."
putlog "The complete Weather Tcl ...Loaded"