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Anti-Proxy TCL

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Anti-Proxy TCL

Post by mabrook »

Hi, i found this script useful for channel spammers. and it is really working fine.

Code: Select all

#  __ __        __                          ___                                              __    
#  _\ \\ \__    /\ \                        /\_ \                                            /\ \__ 
# /\__  _  _\  \_\ \    __  __  __    __\//\ \    ___  _____    ___ ___      __    ___\ \ ,_\ 
# \/__\ \\ \__  /'_` \  /'__`\/\ \/\ \  /'__`\\ \ \  / __`\/\ '__`\ /' __` __`\  /'__`\/' _ `\ \ \/ 
#  /\_  _  _\/\ \_\ \/\  __/\ \ \_/ |/\  __/ \_\ \_/\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\  __//\ \/\ \ \ \_
#  \/_/\_\\_\/\ \___,_\ \____\\ \___/ \ \____\/\____\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\
#      \/_//_/  \/__,_ /\/____/ \/__/  \/____/\/____/\/___/  \ \ \/  \/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/
#                                                              \ \_\
#                                                              \/_/
#                        /\ \                /\ \__  __                
#  _____  _ __  ___    \_\ \  __  __    ___\ \ ,_\/\_\    ___    ___    ____ 
# /\ '__`\/\`'__\/ __`\  /'_` \/\ \/\ \  /'___\ \ \/\/\ \  / __`\ /' _ `\  /',__\
# \ \ \_\ \ \ \//\ \_\ \/\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \/\ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\
#  \ \ ,__/\ \_\\ \____/\ \___,_\ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \_\/\____/
#  \ \ \/  \/_/ \/___/  \/__,_ /\/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/_/\/___/  \/_/\/_/\/___/
#    \ \_\                                                              
#    \/_/                                                              
# Anti proxy scan script.

# /* This is an anti proxy script written for eggdrop. It's been tested on eggdrop1.6.17 with TCL version 8.4
# *  Unlike other anti proxy scripts i've seen around.
# *  This script works just as well on a windrop as it does on a windrop
# *  I've been testing it with a few proxies myself and it clears about 5 proxies in a few seconds without a problem
# *  If it detects a floodjoin happening it will set the modes you choose
# *  (Default mir = moderated, invite only, registered only) These modes are for Quakenet though.
# *  The script will first check what modes you already have set so it won't be unsetting a mode you already had before the floodjoin
# */

# /* Author info
# *  I made this script because i was sick of all the proxies that were joining my channel and spamming it
# *  It's based off the proxycheck.tcl made by James. I rewrote the entire script but kept the basics in.
# *  This script is generally alot faster than that script. But it's still in beta form!
# *  I release this script to
# *  and no other websites are allowed to release this without my explicit authorisation.
# *  If you have an eggdrop website with scripts and you'd like to put this script on your webpage,
# *  Send me an email at metroid at replacing at with @
# */

# /* Installing the anti-proxy script
# *  First, put the script into your /scripts folder.
# *  Then at the end of your eggdrop.conf, Put:
# *  source scripts/anti-proxy.tcl
# *  Or if you are using the #development configuration file, you won't have to do anything.
# *  Just rehash the bot after you've done this and it should work.
# *  Read the next part about using it.
# */

# /* Using the anti-proxy script
# *  The script itself pretty much does everything automaticly once it's activated.
# *  You can activate it by typing: <trigger>proxy enable
# *  You can deactivate it by typing: <trigger>proxy disable
# *  If you want some statistics about how many people it has scanned, detected or kicked,
# *  you can use <trigger>proxy stats
# *  Just typing <trigger>proxy will tell you if the check is enabled or disabled, and possibly statistics about it.
# */

namespace eval proxy {
 variable version "0.75"
 variable author  "metroid - #development on"

 variable trigger "?"

 # The sources we dns to find out if a user is a proxy
 variable source { "" "" "" "" }

 setudef flag antiproxy

 setudef str  antijoins
 setudef str  antidetected
 setudef str  antikicked

 # /* Settings! */
 variable flood "2:15" ;# 4 proxies that join in 8 seconds and the channel gets closed
 variable close "30"  ;# This is in seconds! It will keep the channel closed for 30 seconds
 variable modes "mir"  ;# the modes it will set when the channel gets flooded.
 # /* End of settings */

 # /* Don't edit anything below these lines. If you break it, don't expect me to fix it for you. */
 bind JOIN -|- *                  [namespace current]::checkuser
 bind PUB  m|n ${trigger}proxy    [namespace current]::toggle

 variable proxy
 array set proxy ""

proc proxy::toggle {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
 set command [lindex [split $arguments] 0]
 switch -exact -- [string tolower $command] {
  enable {
  if {![channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    channel set $channel +antiproxy
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Done. Anti-Proxy was enabled."
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Error: Anti-Proxy is already enabled."
  disable {
  if {[channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    channel set $channel -antiproxy
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Done. Anti-Proxy was disabled."
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Error: Anti-Proxy is already disabled."
  stats {
  if {([channel get $channel antijoins] != "") || ([channel get $channel antidetected] != "") || ([channel get $channel antikicked] != "")} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Stats for $channel: [statistics $channel]"
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :No statistics available for $channel."
  default {
  if {[channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Anti-Proxy is currently enabled for $channel. Statistic: [statistics $channel]"
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Anti-Proxy is currently disabled for $channel."

proc proxy::checkuser {nickname hostname handle channel} {
 checkstats $channel
 if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} {
  channel set $channel antijoins "[expr [channel get $channel antijoins] + 1]"
  regexp {.*\@(.*)} $hostname -> hostname
  if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $hostname] {
  [namespace current]::check $hostname $hostname 1 $nickname $hostname $channel 
  } else {
  dnslookup $hostname [namespace current]::check $nickname $hostname $channel

proc proxy::check  {ip hostname status nickname originalhost channel } {
  variable source
  if {$status} {
    regexp {([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})} $ip -> part1 part2 part3 part4
    set newip "$part4.$part3.$part2.$part1"
    foreach proxylist $source {
      dnslookup "$newip.$proxylist" [namespace current]::check2 $nickname $ip $originalhost $hostname $channel $proxylist
  } else {
    putlog "AntiProxy: Couldn't dns resolve $originalhost."

proc proxy::check2 {ip hostname status nickname oip realhost originalhost channel rbl } {
  variable proxy
  variable bantime
  variable close
  if {[info exists proxy($channel,$nickname)]} { return 0 }
  set closemode [modes $channel]
  if {$status} {
    set proxy($channel,$nickname) 1
    utimer 10 [list unset [namespace current]::proxy($channel,$nickname)]
    channel set $channel antidetected "[expr [channel get $channel antidetected] + 1]"
    if {[floodjoin $channel]} {
    putquick "MODE $channel +b$closemode $realhost" -next
    set ::close($channel) 1
    utimer $close [list [namespace current]::open "$channel" "$closemode"]
    pushmode $channel +b $realhost
    if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $originalhost] {
    putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :\<$oip\> is in the DNSBL \[Open Proxy\] \(ID: [expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]\)"
    } else {
    putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :\<$oip\> \[$originalhost\] is in the DNSBL \[Open Proxy\] \(ID: [expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]\)"
    channel set $channel antikicked "[expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]"
    utimer 3 [list flushmode $channel]
proc proxy::open {channel modes} {
 if {[info exists ::close($channel)]} {
  putserv "MODE $channel -$modes"
  unset ::close($channel)
 } else {
  return 0

proc proxy::modes {channel} {
 variable modes
 set end ""
 set chanmode [lindex [getchanmode $channel] 0]
 foreach mode [split $modes ""] {
  if {![string match *$mode* $chanmode]} {
  append end $mode
 return "[join $end]"

proc proxy::unsetflood {channel} {
 if {[info exists ::flood($channel)]} {
  unset ::flood($channel)

proc proxy::statistics {channel} {
 set joins    [channel get $channel antijoins]
 set detected [channel get $channel antidetected]
 set kicked  [channel get $channel antikicked]
 if {$joins == "" || $joins == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } elseif {$detected == "" || $detected == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } elseif {$kicked == "" || $kicked == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } else {
  return "Scanned: $joins, Detected: $detected, Kicked: $kicked  \[[format %.2f [expr ($kicked * 100.0) / $joins]]%\]"

proc proxy::checkstats {channel} {
# /* This is set to 1 to prevent the bot from crashing. (for some people this appears to be a problem) */
 if {[channel get $channel antijoins] == ""} { channel set $channel antijoins "1" }
 if {[channel get $channel antidetected] == ""} { channel set $channel antidetected "1" }
 if {[channel get $channel antikicked] == ""} { channel set $channel antikicked "1" }

proc proxy::floodjoin {channel} {
 variable flood
 set split [split $flood :]
 set user [lindex $split 0]
 set seconds [lindex $split 1]
 if {![info exists ::flood($channel)]} {
  set ::flood($channel) 1
 } else {
  incr ::flood($channel)
  if {$::flood($channel) >= $user} {
  set ::flood($channel) 0
  return 1
  } else {
    utimer $seconds [list [namespace current]::unsetflood $channel]
  return 0

proc proxy::credits {} {
  variable file [lindex [split [info script] "/"] end];
  variable version;
  variable owner "metroid (#development)";
  variable modified [clock format [file mtime [info script]] -format "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"];
  set channels 0; set total 0; set end ""
  foreach chan [channels] {;
  checkstats $chan
  incr total
  if {[channel get $chan antiproxy]} { incr channels ; lappend end $chan }
 putlog "$file v$version by $owner - Last modified: $modified"
 putlog "$file active on $channels/$total ([format %.2f [expr ($channels.0 * 100.0) / $total.0]]%) channels: [join $end ", "]"
 putlog "$file was successfully loaded!"


# // Copyright: This script was made by metroid (#development). This means, YOU DIDNT MAKE IT! I DID! :p
# // Don't break my copyright because it's lame and i'll sue you ass if you do. Have fun!

But, anyone can help me on how to exclude the irccloud host/ip from this script?

thank you.
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Post by CrazyCat »

If ircloud is showed in hostmask, you can modify the following line:

Code: Select all

if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} { 
If there is just the IP, you'll have to create the list of them:

Code: Select all

set ircloudip {"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}
And add a short verification:

Code: Select all

proc proxy::checkuser {nickname hostname handle channel} {
	checkstats $channel
	if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} {
		channel set $channel antijoins "[expr [channel get $channel antijoins] + 1]"
		regexp {.*\@(.*)} $hostname -> hostname
		if { [lsearch $::ircloudip $hostname]!=-1 [lsearch $::ircloudip $hostname]!=-1} {
			return # ircloud IP, exiting
		if {[regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $hostname]} {
			[namespace current]::check $hostname $hostname 1 $nickname $hostname $channel
		} else {
			dnslookup $hostname [namespace current]::check $nickname $hostname $channel
Unless your network don't cloak IP, your eggdrop must be ircop to have the real IP
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Post by mabrook »

[quote="CrazyCat"]If ircloud is showed in hostmask, you can modify the following line:

Code: Select all

if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} { 

i think from here is much easier to modify, just to add the hostname of irccloud but i am not sure :D .

something likes to add: @*

Code: Select all

if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} { 

how to put it in the script? something like that.. am no expert in this.. :D or is it possible like that?
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Post by CrazyCat »

Find the line I told you to modify, replace it with your example line which seems good. I can't have more simple explanation.

And as I said, if the hostmask of ircloud users doesn't contain "", it won't work, you'll have to use the IP mode I did. And if your network use cloaked IP, it won't work.

Note that if it's your network, it's simplest to use an ircd's dsnbl module and add exception for the ircloud IPs.
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Post by mabrook »

CrazyCat wrote:Find the line I told you to modify, replace it with your example line which seems good. I can't have more simple explanation.

And as I said, if the hostmask of ircloud users doesn't contain "", it won't work, you'll have to use the IP mode I did. And if your network use cloaked IP, it won't work.

Note that if it's your network, it's simplest to use an ircd's dsnbl module and add exception for the ircloud IPs.

thank you for the help crazycat..

i did not test at all since undernet spammers are now all gone.

thank you for your time and response in this matter. :D
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Re: Anti-Proxy TCL

Post by doni »

Is there a way to ban only users who use proxies but have the ident with tilde? ex *!~*@*

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Re: Anti-Proxy TCL

Post by simo »

you could try this doni

Code: Select all

#  __ __        __                          ___                                              __    
#  _\ \\ \__    /\ \                        /\_ \                                            /\ \__ 
# /\__  _  _\  \_\ \    __  __  __    __\//\ \    ___  _____    ___ ___      __    ___\ \ ,_\ 
# \/__\ \\ \__  /'_` \  /'__`\/\ \/\ \  /'__`\\ \ \  / __`\/\ '__`\ /' __` __`\  /'__`\/' _ `\ \ \/ 
#  /\_  _  _\/\ \_\ \/\  __/\ \ \_/ |/\  __/ \_\ \_/\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\  __//\ \/\ \ \ \_
#  \/_/\_\\_\/\ \___,_\ \____\\ \___/ \ \____\/\____\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\
#      \/_//_/  \/__,_ /\/____/ \/__/  \/____/\/____/\/___/  \ \ \/  \/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/
#                                                              \ \_\
#                                                              \/_/
#                        /\ \                /\ \__  __                
#  _____  _ __  ___    \_\ \  __  __    ___\ \ ,_\/\_\    ___    ___    ____ 
# /\ '__`\/\`'__\/ __`\  /'_` \/\ \/\ \  /'___\ \ \/\/\ \  / __`\ /' _ `\  /',__\
# \ \ \_\ \ \ \//\ \_\ \/\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \/\ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\
#  \ \ ,__/\ \_\\ \____/\ \___,_\ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \_\/\____/
#  \ \ \/  \/_/ \/___/  \/__,_ /\/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/_/\/___/  \/_/\/_/\/___/
#    \ \_\                                                              
#    \/_/                                                              
# Anti proxy scan script.

# /* This is an anti proxy script written for eggdrop. It's been tested on eggdrop1.6.17 with TCL version 8.4
# *  Unlike other anti proxy scripts i've seen around.
# *  This script works just as well on a windrop as it does on a windrop
# *  I've been testing it with a few proxies myself and it clears about 5 proxies in a few seconds without a problem
# *  If it detects a floodjoin happening it will set the modes you choose
# *  (Default mir = moderated, invite only, registered only) These modes are for Quakenet though.
# *  The script will first check what modes you already have set so it won't be unsetting a mode you already had before the floodjoin
# */

# /* Author info
# *  I made this script because i was sick of all the proxies that were joining my channel and spamming it
# *  It's based off the proxycheck.tcl made by James. I rewrote the entire script but kept the basics in.
# *  This script is generally alot faster than that script. But it's still in beta form!
# *  I release this script to
# *  and no other websites are allowed to release this without my explicit authorisation.
# *  If you have an eggdrop website with scripts and you'd like to put this script on your webpage,
# *  Send me an email at metroid at replacing at with @
# */

# /* Installing the anti-proxy script
# *  First, put the script into your /scripts folder.
# *  Then at the end of your eggdrop.conf, Put:
# *  source scripts/anti-proxy.tcl
# *  Or if you are using the #development configuration file, you won't have to do anything.
# *  Just rehash the bot after you've done this and it should work.
# *  Read the next part about using it.
# */

# /* Using the anti-proxy script
# *  The script itself pretty much does everything automaticly once it's activated.
# *  You can activate it by typing: <trigger>proxy enable
# *  You can deactivate it by typing: <trigger>proxy disable
# *  If you want some statistics about how many people it has scanned, detected or kicked,
# *  you can use <trigger>proxy stats
# *  Just typing <trigger>proxy will tell you if the check is enabled or disabled, and possibly statistics about it.
# */

namespace eval proxy {
 variable version "0.75"
 variable author  "metroid - #development on"

 variable trigger "?"

 # The sources we dns to find out if a user is a proxy
 variable source { "" "" "" "" }

 setudef flag antiproxy

 setudef str  antijoins
 setudef str  antidetected
 setudef str  antikicked

 # /* Settings! */
 variable flood "2:15" ;# 4 proxies that join in 8 seconds and the channel gets closed
 variable close "30"  ;# This is in seconds! It will keep the channel closed for 30 seconds
 variable modes "mir"  ;# the modes it will set when the channel gets flooded.
 # /* End of settings */

 # /* Don't edit anything below these lines. If you break it, don't expect me to fix it for you. */
 bind JOIN -|- * [namespace current]::checkuser
 bind PUB  m|n ${trigger}proxy [namespace current]::toggle

 variable proxy
 array set proxy ""

proc proxy::toggle {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
 set command [lindex [split $arguments] 0]
 switch -exact -- [string tolower $command] {
  enable {
  if {![channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    channel set $channel +antiproxy
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Done. Anti-Proxy was enabled."
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Error: Anti-Proxy is already enabled."
  disable {
  if {[channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    channel set $channel -antiproxy
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Done. Anti-Proxy was disabled."
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Error: Anti-Proxy is already disabled."
  stats {
  if {([channel get $channel antijoins] != "") || ([channel get $channel antidetected] != "") || ([channel get $channel antikicked] != "")} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Stats for $channel: [statistics $channel]"
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :No statistics available for $channel."
  default {
  if {[channel get $channel antiproxy]} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Anti-Proxy is currently enabled for $channel. Statistic: [statistics $channel]"
  } else {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Anti-Proxy is currently disabled for $channel."

set ircloudip {"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}

proc proxy::checkuser {nickname hostname handle channel} {
	checkstats $channel
	if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle m|m $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} {
      if {![string match "~*" $hostname]} { return 0 }
		channel set $channel antijoins "[expr [channel get $channel antijoins] + 1]"
		regexp {.*\@(.*)} $hostname -> hostname
		if { [lsearch $::ircloudip $hostname]!=-1 [lsearch $::ircloudip $hostname]!=-1} {
			return # ircloud IP, exiting
		if {[regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $hostname]} {
			[namespace current]::check $hostname $hostname 1 $nickname $hostname $channel
		} else {
			dnslookup $hostname [namespace current]::check $nickname $hostname $channel

proc proxy::check  {ip hostname status nickname originalhost channel } {
  variable source
  if {$status} {
    regexp {([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})} $ip -> part1 part2 part3 part4
    set newip "$part4.$part3.$part2.$part1"
    foreach proxylist $source {
      dnslookup "$newip.$proxylist" [namespace current]::check2 $nickname $ip $originalhost $hostname $channel $proxylist
  } else {
    putlog "AntiProxy: Couldn't dns resolve $originalhost."

proc proxy::check2 {ip hostname status nickname oip realhost originalhost channel rbl } {
  variable proxy
  variable bantime
  variable close
  if {[info exists proxy($channel,$nickname)]} { return 0 }
  set closemode [modes $channel]
  if {$status} {
    set proxy($channel,$nickname) 1
    utimer 10 [list unset [namespace current]::proxy($channel,$nickname)]
    channel set $channel antidetected "[expr [channel get $channel antidetected] + 1]"
    if {[floodjoin $channel]} {
    putquick "MODE $channel +b$closemode $realhost" -next
    set ::close($channel) 1
    utimer $close [list [namespace current]::open "$channel" "$closemode"]
    pushmode $channel +b $realhost
    if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $originalhost] {
    putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :\<$oip\> is in the DNSBL \[Open Proxy\] \(ID: [expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]\)"
    } else {
    putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :\<$oip\> \[$originalhost\] is in the DNSBL \[Open Proxy\] \(ID: [expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]\)"
    channel set $channel antikicked "[expr [channel get $channel antikicked] + 1]"
    utimer 3 [list flushmode $channel]
proc proxy::open {channel modes} {
 if {[info exists ::close($channel)]} {
  putserv "MODE $channel -$modes"
  unset ::close($channel)
 } else {
  return 0

proc proxy::modes {channel} {
 variable modes
 set end ""
 set chanmode [lindex [getchanmode $channel] 0]
 foreach mode [split $modes ""] {
  if {![string match *$mode* $chanmode]} {
  append end $mode
 return "[join $end]"

proc proxy::unsetflood {channel} {
 if {[info exists ::flood($channel)]} {
  unset ::flood($channel)

proc proxy::statistics {channel} {
 set joins    [channel get $channel antijoins]
 set detected [channel get $channel antidetected]
 set kicked  [channel get $channel antikicked]
 if {$joins == "" || $joins == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } elseif {$detected == "" || $detected == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } elseif {$kicked == "" || $kicked == "0"} {
  return "Statistic Unavailable"
 } else {
  return "Scanned: $joins, Detected: $detected, Kicked: $kicked  \[[format %.2f [expr ($kicked * 100.0) / $joins]]%\]"

proc proxy::checkstats {channel} {
# /* This is set to 1 to prevent the bot from crashing. (for some people this appears to be a problem) */
 if {[channel get $channel antijoins] == ""} { channel set $channel antijoins "1" }
 if {[channel get $channel antidetected] == ""} { channel set $channel antidetected "1" }
 if {[channel get $channel antikicked] == ""} { channel set $channel antikicked "1" }

proc proxy::floodjoin {channel} {
 variable flood
 set split [split $flood :]
 set user [lindex $split 0]
 set seconds [lindex $split 1]
 if {![info exists ::flood($channel)]} {
  set ::flood($channel) 1
 } else {
  incr ::flood($channel)
  if {$::flood($channel) >= $user} {
  set ::flood($channel) 0
  return 1
  } else {
    utimer $seconds [list [namespace current]::unsetflood $channel]
  return 0

proc proxy::credits {} {
  variable file [lindex [split [info script] "/"] end];
  variable version;
  variable owner "metroid (#development)";
  variable modified [clock format [file mtime [info script]] -format "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"];
  set channels 0; set total 0; set end ""
  foreach chan [channels] {;
  checkstats $chan
  incr total
  if {[channel get $chan antiproxy]} { incr channels ; lappend end $chan }
 putlog "$file v$version by $owner - Last modified: $modified"
 putlog "$file active on $channels/$total ([format %.2f [expr ($channels.0 * 100.0) / $total.0]]%) channels: [join $end ", "]"
 putlog "$file was successfully loaded!"


# // Copyright: This script was made by metroid (#development). This means, YOU DIDNT MAKE IT! I DID! :p
# // Don't break my copyright because it's lame and i'll sue you ass if you do. Have fun!

Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:13 am

Re: Anti-Proxy TCL

Post by doni »

I think it's working. I noticed that it also bans my local connection and other IPs that are not present in the lists.
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