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Revered One
Posts: 1106 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:51 am
greetings folks,
Some of our chanops and admins on danet dont have a fixed IP/HOST to grant them user flag based on their IP/HOST
so i thought of a concept of adding their user with chattr -|+o $chan the moment they are opped via ChanServ or chattr -|+v if they are halfopped via Chanserv that way we confirm their adminship in channel regardless of their IP/HOST, and the moment they part channel or quit IRC to del their user , oh and i forgot to mention in the case of a random chanadmin opping a random user and chanserv deops them instant as they arent in admin access list of the channel to make sure the user isnt added.
This is what i have so far and im not sure where to go from here :
Code: Select all
bind MODE - * Access:Cmodes_Check
proc Access:Cmodes_Check {nick uhost hand chan mode target} {
set hnick [nick2hand $target]
if {[isbotnick $target] || ![string match -nocase {ChanServ} "$nick"] || [matchattr $hnick +n] || [matchattr $hnick +m]} { return 0 }
set uhostarget "[getchanhost $target]"
set site "[lindex [split $uhostarget "@"] 1]"
if {[string match -nocase "*" $site]} {
set ident [string trimleft [lindex [split $uhostarget @] 0] "~"]
set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
set addmask *!*$xbmaskx@*
} else {
set addmask "*!*@$site"
switch $mode {
"+o" { if {![validuser $hand]} { adduser $who ; chattr $target |+o $chan } }
"+h" { if {![validuser $hand]} { adduser $who ; chattr $target |+v $chan } }
bind part - * Part-Check-Access:Remove
proc Part-Check-Access:Remove {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[isbotnick $target] || [matchattr $hand +n] || [matchattr $hand +m]} { return 0 }
if {[validuser $hand] && [matchattr $hand -|o $chan] || [matchattr $hand -|v $chan]} { deluser $hand }
bind sign - * Quit-Check-Access:Remove
proc Quit-Check-Access:Remove {nick uhost hand chan reason} {
if {[isbotnick $target] || [matchattr $hand +n] || [matchattr $hand +m]} { return 0 }
if {[validuser $hand] && [matchattr $hand -|o $chan] || [matchattr $hand -|v $chan]} { deluser $hand }
Thanks in advance.
Revered One
Posts: 1296 Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: France
by CrazyCat » Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:06 am
Do you know that you can now use things based on account ? ... me-channel and also bind account:
Code: Select all
bind account <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user> <hand> <chan> <account>
Description: this bind will trigger when eggdrop detects a change in the authentication status of a user’s service account. The mask for the bind is in the format “#channel nick! account” and accepts wildcards. account is either the account name the user is logging in to or “*” if the user is not logged in to an account.
NOTE: the three required IRC components for account tracking are: the WHOX feature, the extended-join IRCv3 capability and the account-notify IRCv3 capability. if only some of the three feature are available, eggdrop provides best-effort account tracking but this bind could be triggered late or never on account changes. Please see doc/ACCOUNTS for additional information.
Revered One
Posts: 1106 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:22 am
Thanks for your reply CrazyCat but since we use this on dalnet wich afaik doesnt use account based checks (IRCV3)
Revered One
Posts: 1106 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:35 pm
ive tested with this but it seems to randomly trigger on random channel mode setting :
Code: Select all
#bind MODE - * Access:Cmodes_Check
proc Access:Cmodes_Check {nick uhost hand chan mode target} {
set hnick [nick2hand $target]
if {[isbotnick $target] || ![string match -nocase {ChanServ} "$nick"] || [matchattr $hnick +n] || [matchattr $hnick +m]} { putlog "«owner/master ignored»" ; return 0 }
switch $mode {
"+o" { after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list Delayed-Access:Cmodes_Check $nick $uhost $hand $chan $mode $target] }
"+h" { after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list Delayed-Access:Cmodes_Check $nick $uhost $hand $chan $mode $target] }
proc Delayed-Access:Cmodes_Check {nick uhost hand chan mode target} {
set hnick [nick2hand $target]
if {[isbotnick $target] || ![string match -nocase {ChanServ} "$nick"] || [matchattr $hnick +n] || [matchattr $hnick +m]} { return 0 }
if {![isop $target] && ![ishalfop $target]} { return 0 }
set uhostarget "[getchanhost $target]"
set site "[lindex [split $uhostarget "@"] 1]"
if {[string match -nocase "*" $site]} {
set ident [string trimleft [lindex [split $uhostarget @] 0] "~"]
set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
set addmask *!*$xbmaskx@*
} else {
set addmask "*!*@$site"
switch $mode {
"+o" { if {![validuser $target]} { adduser $target ; chattr $target -|+o $chan ; setuser $target HOSTS $addmask } }
"+h" { if {![validuser $target]} { adduser $target ; chattr $target -|+o $chan ; setuser $target HOSTS $addmask } }
bind part - * Part-Check-Access:Remove
proc Part-Check-Access:Remove {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[isbotnick $nick] || [matchattr $hand +n] || [matchattr $hand +m]} { return 0 }
if {[validuser $hand] && [matchattr $hand -|o $chan]} { deluser $hand }
bind sign - * Quit-Check-Access:Remove
proc Quit-Check-Access:Remove {nick uhost hand chan reason} {
if {[isbotnick $nick] || [matchattr $hand +n] || [matchattr $hand +m]} { return 0 }
if {[validuser $hand] && [matchattr $hand -|o $chan]} { deluser $hand }