Code: Select all
# Eggdrop Logger 2.0 - #
# Logging in mIRC 6.17 format. 27/04/2006 #
# #
# Make sure you have created the dir 'logger(dir)' #
# #
# Created by Lanze <> #
# Improved by zowtar <> #
# #
### Configuration
#;;; Where the logs will be saved.
set logger(dir) "logs/"
#;;; Strip codes?
#;;; 0 = save codes\colors
#;;; 1 = no save codes\colors
set logger(strip) "1"
#;;; Save by Day, Week, Month or Disable?
set logger(time) "Month"
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### Events
bind join - "#* *!*@*" logger:join
bind part - "#* *!*@*" logger:part
bind sign - "#* *!*@*" logger:quit
bind pubm - "#* *" logger:text
bind nick - "#* *" logger:nick
bind kick - "#* *" logger:kick
bind mode - "#* *" logger:mode
bind topc - "#* *" logger:topic
bind raw - "333" logger:topic-author
bind ctcp - "ACTION" logger:action
### Primary Commands
proc logger:join {nick uhost handle chan} {
global logger botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$chan.log" a]"
puts $log "\r"
puts $log "Session Start: [strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y"]\r"
puts $log "Session Ident: $chan\r"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] * Now talking in $chan\r"
close $log
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has joined $chan"
proc logger:part {nick uhost handle chan msg} {
if {$msg == ""} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has left $chan"
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has left $chan ($msg)"
proc logger:quit {nick uhost handle chan reason} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) Quit ($reason)"
proc logger:text {nick uhost handle chan text} {
if {[isop $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "@$nick"
} elseif {[ishalfop $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "%$nick"
} elseif {[isvoice $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "+$nick"
logger:save $chan "<$nick> $text"
proc logger:nick {nick uhost handle chan newnick} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick is now known as $newnick"
proc logger:kick {nick uhost handle chan target reason} {
logger:save $chan "* $target was kicked by $nick ($reason)"
proc logger:mode {nick uhost handle chan mode victim} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick sets mode: $mode $victim"
proc logger:topic {nick uhost handle chan topic} {
if {$nick == "*"} {
logger:save $chan "* Topic is '$topic'"
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick changes topic to '$topic'"
proc logger:topic-author {from keyword text} {
logger:save [lindex $text 1] "* Set by [lindex $text 2] on [strftime "%a %b %d %T" [lindex $text 3]]"
proc logger:action {nick uhost handle dest keyword text} {
if {[validchan $dest] == "1"} {
if {[isop $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "@$nick"
} elseif {[ishalfop $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "%$nick"
} elseif {[isvoice $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "+$nick"
logger:save $dest "* $nick $text"
### Secondary Commands
proc logger:save {chan text} {
global logger
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$chan.log" a]"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] [logger:strip $text]\r"
close $log
### Tertiary Commands
proc logger:strip {text} {
global logger numversion
if {$logger(strip) == "1"} {
if {$numversion >= "1061700"} {
set text "[stripcodes bcruag $text]"
} else {
regsub -all -- {\002,\003([0-9][0-9]?(,[0-9][0-9]?)?)?,\017,\026,\037} $text "" text
return $text
### Time
proc logger:time {} {
global logger
foreach bind [binds time] {
if {[string match "time * logger:time-save" $bind] == "1"} {
unbind time - "[lindex $bind 2]" logger:time-save
switch [string toupper $logger(time)] {
bind time - "00 00 [strftime "%d" [expr [unixtime] + 86400]] * *" logger:time-save
bind time - "00 00 [strftime "%d" [expr [unixtime] + ((7 - [strftime "%w"]) * 86400)]] * *" logger:time-save
bind time - "00 00 01 [strftime "%m" [expr [unixtime] + ((32 - [strftime "%d"]) * 86400)]] *" logger:time-save
proc logger:time-save {minute hour day month year} {
global logger
foreach channel [channels] {
if {[file exists "$logger(dir)$channel.log"] == "1"} {
file rename -force "$logger(dir)$channel.log" "$logger(dir)${channel}_\[[strftime "%Y.%m.%d"]\].log"
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$channel.log" w]"
puts $log "\r"
puts $log "Session Start: [strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y"]\r"
puts $log "Session Ident: $channel\r"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] * Now talking in $channel\r"
close $log
putquick "TOPIC $channel"
putlog "TCL Logger.tcl Loaded!"
Code: Select all
Tcl error in file 'lurk':
invalid bareword "08"
in expression "1739004974 + ((32 - 08) * 86400)";
should be "$08" or "{08}" or "08(...)" or ... (invalid octal number?)
(parsing expression "1739004974 + ((32 - 08...")
invoked from within
"expr [unixtime] + ((32 - [strftime "%d"]) * 86400)"
(procedure "logger:time" line 16)
invoked from within
(file "scripts/logger.tcl" line 184)
invoked from within
"source scripts/logger.tcl"
(file "lurk" line 639)