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bind PUB - test script:pub
proc script:pub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
In this cause with a trigger of PUB the proc will automaticly pick up the $nick $uhost $hand $chan $text. In this case:
$nick = person that triggered the command
$uhost = the host of the person that triggered the command
$hand = (if the next is on user file) the scripts will make the $hand the nick that is used in the user file) eg: I triggered with nick
ThePop bot the bot knows I am
ThePope from the user file so it sets $hand
$chan = the channels where the command is triggered
$test = anything after the wrote
test would set $text to
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bind MSG - test script:msg
proc script:msg {nick uhost hand text} {
In this case there is no $chan set in the proc, for that the bot dont know what chan it came from cause it was a msg and not a pubil command
$nick = person the triggered the command
$uhost = the host of the person that triggered the command
$hand = (if the next is on user file) the scripts will make the $hand the nick that is used in the user file) eg: I triggered with nick
ThePop bot the bot knows I am
ThePope from the user file so it sets $hand
$test = anything after the wrote
test would set $text to
Hope that helps you out.. Also aways look at tcl-command.doc that is located in you /eggdrop/docs.