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about .netjump command

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about .netjump command

Post by ReaLz »

I used the .netjump command to make the netbots jump to another server of another network..
and now when I use that command plain without a server it jumps to another network Undernet again.. that means that it has saved that server (?)
How can I delete servers from netbots?
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Post by ppslim »

.netjump, uses the normal .jump commands provided by eggdrop, with the differance, of broadcasting it to other bots, so they all perform the action.

As such, it uses the list of servers, as provided by the set serevers line in your config file.

If your bots are jumping to a server on another network, then this is the list it will be located.

Editing all the bots, can be a long hard task to do, so I will pass this advice along.

If running multiple bots, on one shell, then you have the advantage, of using a single file, for all your servers. This will be of no real advantage, if you one run one bot on one shell.

Create a file, in the same directory as the eggdrop, called "servers.list".

Now remove all the servers from the config file, and replace them with the one line "source servers.list"

Edit the fiel "servers.list" again, and place all the servers in this file, using the "set servers {" format, as used in the config file.

Now, if you replace the servers with that one line (source servers.list), in all the config files, you should now opnly have to edit one file, when changing the servers list.
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Post by Chrysalis »

eggdrop stores new servers somewhere outside the config as well, I have seen this.

eg. my config hass the following servers

then 1 day I issue a manual .jump command to, this server will now be stored in the eggdrop somewhere. and on future jumps it will try to use again.

Post by FiKKiFiKK »

I have the same problem, and I cant seem to find a way to remove these servers.. havn't found it in any files..
and I jumped to another network than what I'm usually on, so now my bot's keeps jumping to that network..
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Post by ppslim »

Have you tried stopping and starting eggdrop?

They are only stored in memory, and will do until restarted or using the .restart command.
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Post by Ofloo »

i have same question so after reading this i can understand that netjump thingy is for jumping bots on same network ?? or do i understand wrong ?? like now bots on server A i want them to go to server B on same network that is, so i can use netjump for that ??? am i write ?? or did i understand wrong ??
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Post by slennox »

netjump is basically just a botnet version of the jump command. See ".help jump" and ".nethelp netjump".

It can be for jumping bots to a different server on the same network, or jumping them to a completely different network (although they probably won't stay on a different network unless you change the server list).
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Post by Ofloo »

No netjump isn't like jump, jump you can jump any irc netjump only one in the config file don't see the point in doing that but i gues it some use it

Like i tought it was it is only for the servers in the server list i want a random server one that isnt in that list ... so i came up with this but euhm how do i make it work so all bots do it not just one .. ? ??

oh and one more thing if i came up an irc and it someone would of taken my bots irc nick would i still be able to link or .. ? just wondering i know i can set an serperate nick on the botnet just wana know what it is for i have an idea what it is for but just want to make sur.

Code: Select all

bind dcc m netchange send:netchange 
bind bot - netchange bot:netchange 
bind dcc m netip send:netip 
bind bot - netip bot:netip 

proc send:netchange {handle idx arg} { 
  set srv [lindex $arg 0] 
  set prt [lindex $arg 1] 
  set psd [lindex $arg 2] 
  if {$srv == ""} { 
  putdcc $idx "Syntax Error at least define a server Useage: .netchange <server> <port> <password>" 
  } else { 
  jump $srv $prd $psd 

proc bot:netchange {handle idx arg} { 
  set srv [lindex $arg 0] 
  set prt [lindex $arg 1] 
  set psd [lindex $arg 2] 
  if {$srv == ""} { 
  putdcc $idx "Syntax Error at least define a server Useage: .netchange <server> <port> <password>" 
  } else { 
  jump $srv $prd $psd 

proc send:netip {handle idx arg} { 
global botnick 
  set MyIP "" 
  foreach a {a b c d e f g h i j k} { 
      catch { 
     set external [socket $ 53] 
     set MyIP [lindex [fconfigure $external -sockname] 0] 
     close $external              
  if { ![string equal $MyIP ""] } { break } 
  putdcc $idx "Botnick: $botnick BotIP: $MyIP" 

proc bot:netip {handle idx arg} { 
global botnick 
  set MyIP "" 
  foreach a {a b c d e f g h i j k} { 
      catch { 
     set external [socket $ 53] 
     set MyIP [lindex [fconfigure $external -sockname] 0] 
     close $external              
  if { ![string equal $MyIP ""] } { break } 
  putdcc $idx "Botnick: $botnick BotIP: $MyIP" 
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Post by Ofloo »

hmm if i use ".netjump -all ... " it also seems to work