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unbinding commands for halfops

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unbinding commands for halfops

Post by Weirdo »

Right, i was wondering, since i have had a half op remove a ban on the partyline, which is supposed to be an op only command. Is it possible to unbind the sensitive commands so that they cant do this?

and is it done in the same was as bind is done? so you set it only for channel and global mode l's?
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Post by ppslim »

Simply removing the offending flags from the user, will solve this.

If they don't have the flag to perform the action, well, it wont work.
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Post by Weirdo »

Was thinking of allowing Pline access for halfops, but unbinding ban access for them, so they cant edit the channel bans on the bot. Cause at the moment, the default settings have the bot giving them full op access, which is bad. Yet, i still want them to use the kick capabilities of the bot, as chanserv wont allow them to do it in channel
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Post by ppslim »

It sounds like half-ops has no real standard then, and the half-op implimentation used on your network, is not the one it was designed for.

From memory, it is designed for the following way.

Half-ops can kick users from the channel, but only non-ops (IE, voice and modeless suers).

Then can't change any modes on users (though I don't know about settign them +v).

They can't change any channel modes (though I don't knwo about the topic).

It sound like your network uses services. Do they have to do there commands through services? If so, this isn't the implimentation it was designed for.

Half-ops normaly have to do commands directly, using standard IERC commands.

As for doing the unbinds he unbinds, this should work

Code: Select all

unbind dcc ol|ol "+ban" *dcc:+ban
bind dcc o|o "+ban" *dcc:+ban
AT the base of your config file.
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Post by Weirdo »

So it has to be on the config file, right. Halfops is kinda screwed up really, dont like the idea myself. All i do is admin the bot. I discovered it wouldnt work in a Script anyways, the hard way , 3 crashes later i discovered it wouldnt work that way.

Anyways, thank you again for telling me where to put the code :)
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Post by Weirdo »

Code: Select all

unbind dcc ol|ol "+ban" *dcc:+ban
bind dcc o|o "+ban" *dcc:+ban
unbind dcc ol|ol "-ban" *dcc:-ban
bind dcc o|o "-ban" *dcc:-ban
unbind dcc ol|ol "stick" *dcc:stick
bind dcc o|o "stick" *dcc:stick
unbind dcc ol|ol "unstick" *dcc:unstick
bind dcc o|o "unstick" *dcc:unstick
unbind dcc ol|ol "+exempt" *dcc:+exempt
bind dcc o|o "+exempt" *dcc:+exempt
unbind dcc ol|ol "-exempt" *dcc:-exempt
bind dcc o|o "-exempt" *dcc:-exempt
unbind dcc ol|ol "+invite" *dcc:+invite
bind dcc o|o "+invite" *dcc:+invite
unbind dcc ol|ol "-invite" *dcc:-invite
bind dcc o|o "-invite" *dcc:-invite
Well, that works perfectly :)
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Post by Wcc »

ppslim wrote:It sounds like half-ops has no real standard then, and the half-op implimentation used on your network, is not the one it was designed for.

From memory, it is designed for the following way.

Half-ops can kick users from the channel, but only non-ops (IE, voice and modeless suers).

Then can't change any modes on users (though I don't know about settign them +v).

They can't change any channel modes (though I don't knwo about the topic).

It sound like your network uses services. Do they have to do there commands through services? If so, this isn't the implimentation it was designed for.

Half-ops normaly have to do commands directly, using standard IERC commands.

As for doing the unbinds he unbinds, this should work

Code: Select all

unbind dcc ol|ol "+ban" *dcc:+ban
bind dcc o|o "+ban" *dcc:+ban
AT the base of your config file.
Halfops can, indeed, set modes/bans on the channel as implemented on most IRCds. They can also +v/-v users. Maybe these bind changes should be documented in the config file.. *shrug*

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Post by Weirdo »

Well the unbinds ppslim gave me have allows me to do what i wanted to do. It looks like all the major commands the halfops dont have access to. But the channels module, that one they do have access to.

Code: Select all

unbind dcc ol|ol "+ban" *dcc:+ban
bind dcc o|o "+ban" *dcc:+ban
unbind dcc ol|ol "-ban" *dcc:-ban
bind dcc o|o "-ban" *dcc:-ban
unbind dcc ol|ol "stick" *dcc:stick
bind dcc o|o "stick" *dcc:stick
unbind dcc ol|ol "unstick" *dcc:unstick
bind dcc o|o "unstick" *dcc:unstick
unbind dcc ol|ol "+exempt" *dcc:+exempt
bind dcc o|o "+exempt" *dcc:+exempt
unbind dcc ol|ol "-exempt" *dcc:-exempt
bind dcc o|o "-exempt" *dcc:-exempt
unbind dcc ol|ol "+invite" *dcc:+invite
bind dcc o|o "+invite" *dcc:+invite
unbind dcc ol|ol "-invite" *dcc:-invite
bind dcc o|o "-invite" *dcc:-invite
i did a .help all with a test half op account and these were all the sensitive commands i could see them having access to. the rest only affect themselves. This should be enough, and i think it should be made standard as halfops should not have this kind of power. If you want them to be able to set perm bans on anyone, including the owner, then make them an op.
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Post by Chrysalis »

Weirdo I agree with you fully

I think default behavior for halfops on my network is this

+v/-v any user
kick/ban any non op
can remove bans
can set topic, +m and some other modes but not all channel modes can be changed by halfops
can invite users

I think default behaviour for halfops on eggdrops should be changed.
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Post by Weirdo »

With the Recent IRC Server update on Ours now is exactly the same setup as that now. Problems is, the server still allows Halfops to ban ops, which to prevent this, i had to set up a +f for all users and i think a punishment script for the halfop. Cant remember how i set that up. Anyways, we have been trying to get the Services to fix this for a while now, with no avail :P

Actually, just tested it, Halfops cant kick full ops now, WAAAAHOOOOO :) and the bot removes any ban automatically.

So now it is exacvtly the same setup as yours :)

Who do we talk to for asking the default half op settings on eggdrop to be changed anyways?