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Laggy Egg

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by Max? »

Heyya. I recently wrote a new/info script for a large irc channel. Anyways while people use this script the bot gets lagged. i understand that a lot of info is going out of the bot and that slows it down. and its never been booted for flooding (by the server). but while people are asking for !news !schedule etc etc its ping can rise as high as 300 seconds. pretty lame. i don't know much about the internal workings of an eggdrop... but it sounds like it uses a queue? and possibly it fills and dispenses its info on a first come first serve basis...? is there any way to speed up its response? (make it a bit more reckless :^)

the script is a simple file reading script.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Max? on 2001-10-30 23:20 ]</font>

Post by SniperAC »

The Way I see it in my head you want to make the bot spit out a info msg to the room as fast as it can, right?

If yes, (the way I see it in my head)That will just lag you more.. It schould make your ping go up higher then 300.

take a 56k (only for Ex. not saying thats what you have on the bot) put a bot on it, with that script and type "!news" over and over and (well you get it)
well your right it is first come first serve but it rembers what peeps are saying so it will start to eat up the "Ram" Then "Hard drive space" But most of all your ping

Well to tell the truth I dont know if you can make it spit stuff out faster or if I said was right but damn it sounds good :mad:

Post by Max? »

I hear what your saying :^) but it seems like the eggy is taking more than just its sweet time... ram/hdspace/cpu time are of no concern. for example:

if someone pastes a message into a room it comes much much faster, line per line, than a single message the egg spits out.

does egg use any flood constrol on itself?

thx for your help! :^)

Post by gregul »

have fun with set use-penalties 0 :>
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Post by ppslim »

It is strongly advised not to change the "use-penilties" to 0.

If your eggdrop is queuing enough information to be able to insert the PING reply, 300 second before sending it, then you are in a flood situation.

Should you change the setting, you are heading more than likely to flood your bot off.

My advise, would be to change your script. Looking through the eggdrop code, CTCP ping replies, and other esential items (RFC complience) are output throught he server queue (equivilant to "putserv").

It sounds like you are using "putserv" to output details to IRC through your script, when infact, you should use "puthelp".

This will increase your ping replies to allmost nothing. This is because the "putserv" queue, has a higher priorty that the help queue.

This means, that should 100 lines be placed into the help queue, than after 15 lines, you place 10 lines in the server queue. The server queue will then be output, while the help queue is put on hold, till the server queue is enpty.

Post by Max? »

Wow thanks, i will give that a go :^)

i appriciate everyones help!