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Eggdrops answering slowly....

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Posts: 126
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2002 3:09 pm

Eggdrops answering slowly....

Post by ProXy »


I am running eggdrop 1.6.13 in 19 Channels, but when I enter a Command for the first time, e.g. !peak the eggdrop answers after more than 30 seconds. All following commands are working fast (within 2 Seconds). Does anyone know why this it the case?
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Post by ppslim »

This would all depend on what scripts, modules, memory, cpu and how loaded each channel is.


The scripts may be called as soon as the command is typed, however, blocking may be in operation for some reason or another (Including but not limited to DNS lookups, program execution and completion, large files reading, web page downloading or any other blocking operation or loop).


The same applies to modules. Allthough they are much faster, blocking operations can increase the time they take to execute.


While the machine may have a large memory chunk in it, this will not stop issues with high memory usage. Lots of eggdrops on one system will clog it up. Large files downloaded, or opened, or other un-related scripts to the one your using, may be using large amount of memory, that system keeps having to swap in and out.


While most modern systems will handle hundreds of eggdrops no problem, you have to be aware that some, and other programs will be using more CPU than others. When the system gets to a certain peak, especialy during cron cycles and such, your bot may be lower priority.

Channel load:

19 channels is quite high, and as such, doesn't help the cause a lot. The more channels, the more memory, CPU and network used. Even if channels are receiving 1 lines every 2 seconds (not a lot), that is 9.5 lines a second from all channels. While this is not high, it's a nice chunk of processing that has to take place overall.

Other issues:

This could always be related to your issues with 1.6.13.

Did a re-compile help any? What happens if your revert back to 1.6.12?

If the issues I tried looking for previously, are infact related to a bu in eggdrop, then yes, this should be looked into more.

Some things I didn't ask previously.

What OS is it running (make and version)?
Posts: 126
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2002 3:09 pm

Post by ProXy »

Hi ppslim.

I am running Debian with Kernel 2.4.19 on 1,2 Ghz with 256 MB RAM. I installed the eggdrop 1.6.13 without any non-standard modules. All the scripts are already running on eggdrop 1.6.12, there was no problem. Even if the bot is in 19 channels, there is nearly no action done by it, because most channels are very quiet, and there are only 4 user that can use some function of my eggdrop (due to the fact that every command needs the g flag). The load of the machine is really low atm, so this can`t be a reason.