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a little exec problem

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a little exec problem

Post by MasterJM »


i want to start pisg (the irc chan stats) per trigger from pub

this works:
set update_setting(flag) "S"
set update_setting(cmd) "!update"
set update_setting(exec) "/home/masterjm/pisg/pisg"
set update_setting(msg) "stats updated -> url"

bind pub $update_setting(flag) $update_setting(cmd) pub:update

proc pub:update {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global update_setting
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :[expr {[catch {exec $update_setting(exec)} error]?"$update_setting(exec) could not be executed ([string totitle $error]).":$update_setting(msg)}]"

this works

but i want to support more than one channel / pisg.cfg file
so i need this:

set update_setting(exec2) "/home/masterjm/pisg/pisg --configfile=/home/masterjm/pisg/2.cfg"

[for an other channel an other cfg file]

but with this setting the eggdrop dont run pisg
if i try it over irc pub trigger the eggdrop says:
/home/masterjm/pisg/pisg --configfile=/home/masterjm/pisg/2.cfg could not be executed (Couldn't execute "/home/masterjm/pisg/pisg --configfile=/home/masterjm/pisg/morfi.cfg": no such file or directory).

(but the file and the directory are fine - in bash of the shell this works!)

any ideas?

thx :)
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Post by ppslim »

Warning - it's 2:30pm and i'm drunk (xmas party today), so take my posts light hartedly.

THe exec command, executes things literaly, out doesn't require the escaping that is normaly required on the shell.

IE, if the is a space in a filename, you don't need to escape it.

Using this rule, you will notice that the command, is being executed, with the though that the space is in the filename, and not in the command.

My sugestion would be to change your command, so that the program name and directory and the arguemnts are seperate.

EG. have a single static command, with the program name pointing to psig. And then a seperate variable for each channel, with the arguemnts.