I have a shell with loads of users and loads of background processes- you can see some data at the end - this is the state at the moment I post this message.
I recently upgraded my eggdrops from version 1.3.28 to 1.6.6 and now, when the machine is heavily uptimed every now and then there is an error "timer spun 3 minutes" or something like that (they don't give me this error now- the server isn't uptimed enough now).
And when they give that message all the sockets are closed and reopened again- this means that bots looses connection with the other bots and with the irc server...
And here comes my question- how could I disable this? How should I modify the sources, or is there an option to switch it off from the config file? The bots really do they work despite of the uptime of the shell- sometimes a little (or not so little.. ) bit slowler, but things get much worser if they disconnect every now and then...
And here are some stats- I post them because I'm really proud of this machine- you will be too after you read this:) You won't believe how fast it is from inet:)- I don't know it's connection speed, but it's fast... When it gets much more uptimed (this takes from 7 days to 20 and more even! )- they just restart it and everything is OK again.
cat /etc/passwd | wc -l
ps -A |grep eggdrop |wc -l
ps -A |grep psybnc |wc -l
ps -A| wc -l
12:03pm up 4 day(s), 21:29, 11 users, load average: 40.23, 52.67, 36.63