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PORTS ! Why are my bots racing thru them ??

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PORTS ! Why are my bots racing thru them ??

Post by Smokey »

I have 2 eggdrops running.

They both seem to be grabbing ports and releasing them, then they increase port number by 2 and continue: approx 100 ports each per minute.

im not sure, but it seems to be in the 2000-4000 port # range. It's actually quit abusive to the firewall. I figure it has something to do with DCC security; But i was hoping for the official explanation, as maybe i have a problem.

Thx Guys,

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Post by Photon »

Hmmm ... what version of eggy are you running for starters?

by defaul eggy uses ports for:
  • Normal Chat
    Partyline Chat
    Bot messages
    Userfile transfers
    Normal File Transfers
I'm presuming your bot is running alright apart from this rather aggressive port snatching, but basically one of the above must be failing, seeing as the only time it would behave like this is if it was constantly trying to open a port and failing. I presume your firewall is blocking it in some way - there are a few issues with eggdrops, listening TCP/IP ports and firewalls (many comments in the code).

Other than the above, are you running any kind of scripts/modules that do their own port stuff?

Its the Ident Checking feature on incoming connections!

Post by Smokey »

Hiya its been awhile, but i tracked down what is going on.

Please tell me if its possible to lock the IdentD CLIENT (not server, client) onto a specific port.

This is whats happening:

As soon as bot is loaded, it races thru the ports from 1200-8000, without establishing connections. botlink port set to 35000. userlink port set to 30000.

I discovered that the ports in the 1200-8000 range are being used by the bot to check the IdentD of an incoming connection, regardless of whether the receiving a connection or not. it will continue going extremely fast (20 ports per sec) until it receives an incoming link, at which point it will stay on that port momentarily, then seems to continue from there, continuing to ferociously eat ports up. It does release port immediately, but 40 botsare being run on that box, and it is actually hard on the firewall.

All testing was done using 1 fresh bot. no other bots running. to prevent conflicts.

have tried 1.6.10, 1.6.12, 1.6.13(currently using)

This is DEFINATELY IDENTD related, im pretty sure.

appreciate time


Incoming Connection's Identd Check

Post by Smokey »

Yes, It is definately the eggdrop's internal little client that verifies the identd of an incoming connection. Its going haywire.

** IS THERE A WAY to specify which port eggdrop will use to connect to a remote identd (113) port ?

I'm looking for a .conf setting i could use like: "set identd-check-port 3000"

Does it exist? Am i the only one who's seen this? Its happening on every bot we have.
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Post by ppslim »

There is no setting like this.

I have never seen anything like this reported before.

I would try and check my own, but I don't have the knowledge to track it the way you seem to.

The best thing I can sugest, is reporting it as a bug. See the bug-report document for information on how to do this.

Still No Solution to My port Problems -Anyone else see this?

Post by Smokey »

PPSlim: when u said u didnt have the tools to check out the same thing, I realized, that I have only been able to see this activity on the WINDROPS, as i myself dont have a tool to watch the linux ports closely enough, but, you use netstat @ 2 second intervals and compare them, you will notice one of the ports has been released, and another grabbed with a new time.

Do that a few times, and you'll see that one of the ports has 'moved' to a slightly higher number, everytime u netstat.

Leave it for 24 hours, check again, still cycling thru the same range (approx port 3000-6000)

In the EGGDROP's source code I had noticed some comments about the Ident port and 1 second intervals. I tried to find this to paste here, but cant find it again. I think it was the net.c sourcefile that had comments in it like"The identd port needs to be increased" "I dont know why it's done like this"

Also, these eggdrops are running on 2ghz p4 with 512MB DDR.
I wondered if it's possible the eggdrop is running on ticks and not seconds? could my faster-than-before pc be speeding up the eggdrop unnecessarily? Just like old 386games, when they were put onto a 486 dx100, the game was unplayable. because it was running too fast, could my machine be overclocking the eggdrop? Sounds ridiculus, but its a thought.

Thx for your time.[/b]
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Post by stdragon »


In order to help fix this problem, more information is required. Make sure you compiled eggdrop with debug support ("make debug") and then run strace while the bot is experiencing this problem. The syntax is "strace -p 12345" where 12345 is the eggdrop's pid. Copy 50 lines or so and post them.
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Post by Chrysalis »

I had noticed the same issue.

With my firewall turned on running 8 windrops in the days I used to run windrops this took approx 20% cpu up. Because of the firewall logging 1000's of ports a min.

It really was quite bad, but I could never work out what it was.