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Post by EEggy »

Hi, these few lines of codes works fine if ident is greater than one char or digit, but when ident is one char/digit like-> or then it bans-> *!*@*

I want it to ban *!*m@* in both cases with or without ~
i'll apprecite for your help
set mask [getchanhost $bnick $channel]
if {$mask!={}} {
set mask [maskhost $mask]
set mask [string trimleft $mask *!]
set mask *!*$mask
if {[onchan $knick $channel]} {
putserv "MODE $channel +b $mask"
putserv "KICK $channel $knick :$reason"

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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

With this code

Code: Select all

set mask [lindex [split [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $channel]] ~] end]
if 'he' has identd enabled the mask will be '*!m@*' else will be '*!?m@*'.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by EEggy »

thanks casear, but it didn't solve my main problem
when user joins like one char ident -> k@

so this get ban -> *!*@202.83.161.* which is a site ban ...i wanted to ban like whatever ident is, in this case -> *!*k@

these codes works fine if ident is more than 1 char/digit..
i'll apprecite if someone can help

note:bots dcc command .kickban also baning all single char/digit idents in this format *!*@.. instead of *!*k@..

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De Kus
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ever tried this...

Post by De Kus »

why not simply
set mask "*![getchanhost $bnick $channel]"
and if you want to kickban someone out, why dont use
newchanban $channel $mask insertscriptnamehere $reason
this will deop the user, create a ban (and put as much modes as posible into one line :) ) and kick the user out with kick reason: "banned: reason"
note that the loaded channel langue will be used for banned for sure :).
and yes, if the script is triggered by someone with a handle you can change the creator field to a variable containing this :D.