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Nickserv Identify in IRC-Network

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Nickserv Identify in IRC-Network

Post by LukasFledermaus »

Hello all,

i currently tested all tcl-scripts which should automatically identify their
botnick at Nickserv.

They would not work.

I checked out, that "bind notc" would not be triggered if Nickserv says
'Please register your nick...'.

This is why they are not work.

Maybe some wrong settings in my config file or the NickServ itself would
not work like eggdrop needs.

For any little help i am appreciate

thanks forward


Post by StormLord »

well, if you are lucky then NickServ isn't sending IDENTIFY string by 'user notice'. That NOTICE you can 'catch' with bind notc * *.
If it's not 'catched' by 'bind notc' function, your NickServ is useing server notice type.
You can 'catch' that with:

Code: Select all

bind raw * NOTICE your_function
proc your_function {from keyword rest}{
try test it first with some putlog's to figure out output :wink:

PS. Send NickServ IDENTIFY request here with your 'bind notc * *', may be you matching something different :-?
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Post by De Kus »

my script using bind

Code: Select all

bind notc f|- "This nickname is registered and protected" handle:nickneed
while nickserv has a userrecord with exact host nick!ident@server.
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Post by ppslim »

According to that script, it will need both a user-record in the bot, and alseo to give that record the global +f flag.

Thank you for your comments

Post by LukasFledermaus »

Thank you all for your comments,

i see that there alternative ways to catch and something
wrong with my user flag.

But the server send a lot of messages during connect
and the bot may protect themself by ignoring this messages?

After a while when the connect to server is finished
my log always output following message:

"No longer ignoring *!* (expired)"

What flag in conf or what flag wherever may occure this
kind of protection?

Thanks forward for your reply

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Post by De Kus »

this is why i decited to give nickserv and chanserv global +f. this will exclued them from beeing ignored.
note: du can give them stict hosts like nickserv! cause so you can be sure with a simple check handle == nickserv it is really nickserv messaging you and no fake service trying to foul your bot and get your auth password.
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Post by arcane »

eggdrop.conf wrote: # This is the bot's server list. The bot will start at the first server listed,
# and cycle through them whenever it gets disconnected. You need to change these
# servers to YOUR network's servers.
# The format is:
# server[:port[:password]]
it works for my eggdrop1.6.13 @euIRC
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Post by De Kus »

arcane wrote:it works for my eggdrop1.6.13 @euIRC
yeah, it works on connect on any netowork which forwards the pass to nickserv, but when the nick is used by an prior connection and the bot enters with his alternate nick, the linked nick will still stay and get autoop, but the bot wont be able to use any chanserv comments, quitting with the reply "permission denied". all the things helping are to send the auth to nickserv. also if the nickserv gets down, resets due netsplit or something like this, the nick gets unauthed and changed to guest*. but triggering to the notices from nickserv and chanserv the bots keeps always authed and ready to fight against lamers :).

The f-Flag was the problem

Post by LukasFledermaus »

Hallo all,

thank you for the answers.

I already have made a "# server[:port[:password]] "
in my config file.

But this wasn't the problem. The problem was the f-Flag. During
the flood from the server at reconnect, the NickServ is ignored as
well. So the bind couldn't trigger on NickServ-texts at all.

The tip with the strict host is also a good idea. It is really a security bottleneck to allow any user messages just the words to the bot
what nickserv does to make the bot identifying.

So now it works well.

Thank you all for your help. I hope the identify-scripts in the
download section would be changed with your opinions of
additional ideas, so no new Topic needed on Nickserv identifying.

Thanks @ all
