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Tcl error - list element ... instead of space

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De Kus
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Tcl error - list element ... instead of space

Post by De Kus »

i read the FAQ bepending on that, but in this script split is already used probably... i think

Code: Select all

set nick [split $nick !]
set nick [lindex $nick 0]
set text [split $text]
set chan [lindex $text 0]
set text [lrange $text 1 end]
these are the only lines i can find,

its a well known script lamer.tcl from the exact error msg is

Code: Select all

Tcl error [handle_lamer]: list element in braces followed by "" instead of space
so is this unfixable? because its bound to RAW i would like to rewrite it a bit to bind it to pubm so chan and nick would be already "splitted". could this already could fix all problems? and could i leave the rest of the code as it is?

PS: i know that set nick [split $nick !] and set nick [lindex $nick 0] could be written as set nick [lindex [split $nick !] 0], but i posted the originally unmodified code.
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

i have found a exact quote for the error

Code: Select all

[23:18:28] <nickdeleted> die "high"lvl monster leben bischen länger als 5 secs

Code: Select all

[23:18:28] <botname> [23:18] Tcl error [handle_lamer]: list element in quotes followed by "lvl" instead of space
seems "" is making troubles... any idea?
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Post by ppslim »

Simple fix.

Download and edit the file, find the line "proc handle_lamer" and delete the line below it "set text [join $text]"

That will take your troubles away

Author replies finally

Post by cmouse »

Fixed the script on

thanks for contacting me... those of you who are bold & adventurous can check for some more-or-less working scripts. I am not quanteering that any of those, except bnsystem.tar.gz work. Have fun, and once again thanks for contacting me.