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root adds himself .. any help?

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root adds himself .. any help?

Post by Tex » english is don't laught please.. :oops: :P

problem..root adds himself to te userfile as +n by editing the bots userfile and have complete acces to the botnet..this bot is a shared bot..not a hub..
I tried to set the "set private-user" to 1 on hub..but..he can still remove the hubs +p flag and than add himself..and he has again acces to the botnet..via commands like .netjoin .netsay ...

wondering how to fix that..?

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Post by user »

rm -rf ~/

...if you can't trust root, you can't trust a eggdrop running on the box.
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Post by ppslim »

The root user has complete control over a machine. From hardware, software all the way to internet connections and file contents.

With every shell account, you have to trust that the root user, will not tamper with your files, or add himself to your bot.

As noted, if you can't trust them not to do this, then get rid of them.

There is no way at all to prevent the root user from changing the userfile, and adding himself.
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Post by Tex »

well..can I link two bots only with shared userlists?If the hub wouldn't link without sharing - everything would be ok.."set private-user 1" on hub forces all userlist changes to be made via hub..I know that he would still be able to add himself..but than he could control only the bot that runs on his server..I just don't wan't him to have acces to all bots.. :-?
I know what root can do and what can't do.. :P but on this shell I'm not sure if I can trust to all of them (yes..more users have root permissions).. :(
oh dear..god bless my english.. :D :D

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Post by Clipped »

What shell provider is this if you dont mind :) I would like a heads up not to use this provider thats for sure...

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Post by Tex »

it's not "shell provider" friends server on adsl.. :P
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Post by Tex »

well..still don't know how to fix it.. :roll: :)
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Post by ppslim »

I now realise what is agt issue here.

Please see the "set private-globals" setting. You need the "n" flag listed here.
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Post by Tex »

well..n is there.. :-?
sharing works fine..hub refuses all +m and +n changes..these flags can be changed/added only on hub..

problem is..when someone edit the bot's userfile (editing userfile in shell..not via bot..and not userfile of passive bot)..he can remove the +p flag from passive bot..but the bot still can be linken to te botnet (without userfile sharing)..
now what I need is: hub(passive bot) should link to some bot ONLY if userlist would be SHARED..if userlist wouldn't be shared, hub should diskonect that bot..

that could be fixet with some tcl on hub..

ppslim..thanx for dealing with my problem.. :P :)
