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news grabber

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news grabber

Post by yoyoyo »

I`m new to this thing but I have been looking at the CNN news grabber script and I would like to make a script that checks "" every 5 minutes and posts the "priority news" with a link to the news if anyone types "!news"..
is this hard work or? anyone?
:wink: I would be happy if anyone had a script like it..or would help med make it...I tryed to make one from the cnn script..but I didnt get it to work..
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Posts: 20
Joined: Thu May 30, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: Belgium

Post by Dereckson »

Try to undestand the script you've downloaded :

This is a very good method to learn TCL programmation.

If you have questions or remarques on the code, I'll answer you with pleasure.