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Movie Search Script

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 10
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Location: Toronto,Ontario, Canada

Movie Search Script

Post by Viper359 »

What i need is a rather weird request, and thus, I have tried to find someone that creates scripts for monetary rewards, but alas, no luck with searches like yahoo etc.

I need a script that will search FTP's, and Fileserving scripts (ctcp) that will do the following:

All of this is automated, and done by the bot.

Log onto a ftp or fileserver on IRC, record what they have to download, and its size,

allow a user to search for a filename

allow a user to search for a user

have a new-updated section, ie a user adds something new in the last 24hrs, the script using a trigger, will give the newest stuff added to all persons FTP or IRC Server within the 24hr period.

Have "Total Files On Record" "Total Files Deleted" "Total Files for Username" "Last Checked User datetimehere" "Users Status ON or OFFLINE"

Search trigger is BOTH in channel using ! and ctcp botnick search titleofsearch and the response is given in the channel if the !was used and noticed to the user if teh ctcp command was used.

The file search would look like this
!search file filename

Search Result would look like this:

I have found 3 results for the filename: filenamegoeshere. The Following people have the file you are looking for. Username#01 Username#02
To find out more about a user, search for user info.

A user search would look like this

!search user username

Search Result would look like this:

The username is currently On OR Offline. This user has #of files on his/her FTP. This user has added #ofnewfiles in the last 24hrs. The last time the user was spidered was timeitwaschecked.

More to come, but I just wanted to give the basics, to see if anyone thinks they can handle it. If you think you can, and want to, please feel free to contact me. Again, because of how hard this script will be, I am offering to pay for it. Yes, cash or something else. Please contact me for further, as I do not wish to annoy the rest of the board. I think this is a reasonable spot for this.

Posts: 319
Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:40 pm

Post by spock »

this looks very warez'ish.

raidenftpd and guildftpd can be coupled up with some good sitebots (have to run eggdrop off the same box as the ftpserver) with search features ++

but thats probably not what you're after
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:44 am
Location: Toronto,Ontario, Canada

Post by Viper359 »

Yeah, your right. Thats not really what I am looking for. I was speaking with someone on here last night, and they said that it sounds pretty impossible to do what I want out of the script. Anyone adivse, if its possible or not?


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Post by ppslim »

This is pretty impossible, unless you have full control over the advert/sharing bots.

There are several issues that need to be addressed on this.

1: Different return data.

When a user performs a search on BotX, they can clearly see all the information. This may well be colour, bold and other, formatted. This is easy to clean.

ON top of this, you then have the issue of Which is the filesize or filename. Not all bots return the information in the same order.

2: FTP adverts. Most FTP adverts are different too. How do ytou tell the address from the rest of the text. Yes, you could do a lookup on each part, but that is resource hungry.

Because cvhanges in replies have very subtle differances, and there are hundreds of these in each script, it would be impossible to create a script that can detect exactly which type it is, without a greate chance of it getting it wrong.

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