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Post by BrollY »

im not exactly sure if the problem has to do with either the stability of windrops n eggdrops, or one of the TCLs causing it, or wat, but im gonna go with this hypothesis first.

im sure eggdrops r alot more stable than windrops, n i searched to see the difference between the 2 OS bots, n learned that, logically, the stabilities r different for both of them. still, getting to the point, sometimes when i run the bot, it loads just fine, but after i check it 1 or 2 minutes later, its nowhere to be found n when i see the list of programs currently running, the bot is nowhere to be seen (as if it closed itself by itself even though it loaded correctly). thats one thing.

the other one being, when it has stayed up for like 3 days or so (sometimes less if im unlucky), it also closes itself. anyone who knows or atleast has an idea wat the problem may be (even if its just the sad fact that the problem is just windows), then ill appreciate to be told, thanks.
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Post by stdragon »

One thing that will help figure it out is to get rid of all tcl scripts and extra modules, and see if it still closes itself after a few days. Another thing you can do is stay telnetted to the bot the entire time, and see if it prints anything when it closes.
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Post by ppslim »

While talking of windows and eggdrop, you didn't quite confirm that your are infact on the windows platform.

If you are, you can perform the following steps.

Via Start->run, type "command" and hit return.

You should now have a command prompt.

Navigate to the eggdrop directory.

Start the bot using "eggdrop.exe config.file".

This way, when the bot closes, any text on screen is not lost, as the window doesn't close.

The text in this window may shed more light.

Aiditonaly, try to find out what the quit message of eggdrop was.
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Post by BrollY »

sometimes it does Ping timeout, while on other occasions its the peer
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Post by ppslim »

Make sure your machine isn't going into power-saving.

This is a major cause of diing programs.

As noted, you need to get the error from the bot, not just IRC.
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Post by Weirdo »

If it means anything. Its all dependant on the machine. A well set up eggdrop bot can be almost perfectly stable. Its the user/machine/scripts that are run, that effect the uptime more than anything

fine, i had troubles with windrop, but only on the duff versions. 1.6.15 has a few issues with sockets in Windows 2000, but i think its a 1.6.15 ipv6 problem more than anything.

Stability wise, i seen eggdrops die left right and center, i seen windrops do the same thing. The bots i run, both windrops, both hosted on my win2k server, stay up for weeks on end. Windrops are not identical to eggdrops as the only major difference (that i have seen) is that their files have been windows converted, and they use the windows kernel, thanks to cygwin1.dll