how do I set the pass for a channel that's set +k ? (i.e. how do I get the eggy to get into a chan that's set +k with a password).
I've tried putting quotes around the pw in the conf, no quotes, read the docs, searched the forum, whacked myself with 2x4's, but no luck. I know this has gotta be simple...
Gotcha, that makes sense. Actually, after posting the msg yesterday, I found another msg regarding lolo(?)'s toolz. Dl'd them and that looked promising but I hadn't finished installing it.
Anyways, thanx for the info. One last question. I take it that you can't set this in the .conf file? Cause, this is what I tried plus mod'ing the chan file for channel and it didn't seem to help. I guess loading up the eggy and typing that in isn't that big a deal. It's not like the eggy crashes at all... :} gotta love linux for that. I don't think I've ever had eggdrop crash _EVER_.
... or you could do it the easy way and just link your bots with netbots.tcl. or you could have the bot NOT part the channel. i really don't understand this problem too well.
He may only have a single bot. Also bots do crash, so saying don't make it part the chan isn't a valid response. Don't assume that everyone running eggdrop is linking them to botnets, with 101% stable shells.
Consorp, there is no need to delete the chan file, this in fact will cause problems if your bot crashes (as all your channel settings will be lost, unless your on static channel (yuk)).
By typing the command I said, and typeing ".save", you will iliminate the problem of loosing this setting.
all i'm saying is that it's almost a given that the shell is stable, because there's really no point in running an egg if it isn't, UNLESS there's other bots on the chan. in which case it would make sense that there's a botnet. at least there should be. well nevermind i guess...
eggdrop does not have to be run in a botnet to be useful. I, for example, have an info bot. Its not linked to my main net, because I don't see the point. It doesn't even get ops cos their isn't a point. However it is in a +k chan, so if I were an eggdrop newbie, I'd want to know how to make it join. Not everyone uses eggs to run botnets. On dalnet for example, its rare to have linked bots at all (and they rarely run any kinda botnet script if they are linked), due to chanserv, meaning you don't need botnets.
info, trivia, statistics, dynamic site generation bots. All examples of situations where no botnet is needed.
nsignific - Just becuase you have a botnet, and he doesn't, there is no need to pounce and tell him he must have one. It may make sense (As you said) to have a botnet, but there is just no law about requiring you to link.
To top this one off. WHy do they provide a command that allows you get around this problem, if you have no choice but to link to a botnet (as you claim).
ok Peterson you got me with that. i'm stuck in IRCnet and hardly ever even think of any other network so the fact that someone would need an egg for something OTHER than channel protection eluded me =) i apologise. i still think not linking a bot into an existing botnet is just being lazy though...
lazy - you still fail to consider the fact, the may be no damned botnet to link into.
You do know that linking into a botnet, will cause slighly more cpu load, slightly more memory usage, and an increas in network traffic? More reasons why a bot that has no need to make use of the botnet protocol, should not be linked.