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mode +r...

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 126
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2002 3:09 pm

mode +r...

Post by ProXy »

Hello, I added a dynamic channel to my eggdrop called #[=]SC[=].

Then i set .chanset #[=]SC[=] chanmode +ksmtn private

If I use chaninfo the bot now responds this:
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> Settings for dynamic channel #[=]SC[=]:
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> Protect modes (chanmode): +ksmtn private
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> stopnethack-mode: 5
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> aop-delay: 5:30
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> revenge-mode: 3
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> ban-time: 120
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> exempt-time: 60
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> invite-time: 60
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> Other modes:
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> -inactive +statuslog -secret +shared
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> +greet -seen +cycle +dontkickops
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> +protectops +protectfriends +revenge +revengebot
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> -bitch -autoop -autovoice -nodesynch
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> -enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> -protecthalfops
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> User defined channel flags:
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> +lamer +op +voice +peak
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> number: 10 3 5 3 3 5
[Friday, 27.06.2003 - 18:05:39] <Hack|The|Planet> time : 60 60 60 10 10 60
As you can see, all those flags or correct. When a user joins the channel icheck with a script if the user has a specific Flag (G or H), if not, he will be banned, else he will get Voice from the eggdrop. I use putserv "MODE +v ..." to voice the user. But sometimes, when a person joins, the eggdro sets something like this:

Hack|The|Planet sets mode: +rv Caesars

or even this:

Hack|The|Planet sets mode: +irv Cybertiger

Is there a bug in eggdrop 1.6.15 or is there another thing i didn`t check ..?
