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sentinel caused crash!

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by Yourname »

[00:08] sentinel: JOIN-PART flood detected on #hyderabad! Channel locked temporarily.
[00:08] * Last context: tclhash.c/672 [TCL proc: sl_jflood, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
[00:08] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[00:08] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[00:08] * Wrote DEBUG
[00:08] * BUS ERROR -- CRASHING!
Thats the bot.log

Debug (eggdrop v1.6.6) written Sun Dec 9 00:08:02 2001
Full Patch List:
TCL library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.3
TCL version: 8.3 (header version 8.0)
TCL patchlevel: 8.3.1+ (header patchlevel 8.0.5)
TCL isn't threaded
Compile flags: gcc -pipe -g -O2 -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Link flags: gcc -pipe
Strip flags: strip
Context: tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: <null>, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: *raw:irc:join, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: autogreet, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: join_peak, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: mc:banc:join, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672 [TCL proc: sl_jflood, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]

---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 D1F7C894 3459 (bots) * lstn 3459
4 D1F7C894 3455 (users) * lstn 3455
8 D1740761 6667 (server) serv (lag: 180)
6 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
10 CA38C79C 63016 Yourname et@ chat flags: cpTEp/0
12 D461CD4E 3195 Vandal net@ bot flags: puCOsgwliA
14 3F907A0C 3459 Nasreen bot flags: pucOsgwliA

Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 3 (listen), 4 (listen), 6 (passed on), 10, 8 (inbuf: 01DA), 12, 13 (file), 14, done.
Thats the Debug..

*** Gorgon sets mode: +mi
*** Gorgon has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
Thats what happened on the channel. Whats the whole thing about? I didnt post it on eggheads cuz.. This whole thing is related to sentinel, netbots component.

Dormant egghead.
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by Pat »

I'm not sure if this would matter or not, but it looks like you compiled your bot with a tcl library from version 8.3.x and a tcl header file from version 8.0.5. You might want to recompile.

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Post by Yourname »

My admin sez, its done intentionally for compatibility. He sez we can compile with whatever ver we want.

How do we do it?

Dormant egghead.
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Post by ppslim »

This may be intentional, but it is lazy assed administration. It is possible to have multiple installations of Tcl on a system, yet software is able to configure, and use the header and library file, for a matching version.

When they don't match, it means the admin became lazy (or just aint got a clue) when installing an aditional version of Tcl.

The first step to making the header and lirary match, is to decide which version of Tcl you wish to use. I recomend 8.3.1, as it has all the commands that some new Tcl scripts need.

Next step, it to locate the directory where the 8.3.1 library and header files are. You will file the libray stored as /usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/, as this is availble in the debug information. The header file (tcl.h) will be most likely be located as /usr/local/include/tcl8.3/tcl.h. It would be wise to check that theses files a located, and stored as stated above. If not, you should locate them, and make sure they are the correct version, and replace the locations below, with the correct values.

The next step, it to configure eggdrop to use thbotht he corrct library and header files. Download and decompress the eggdrop tarball.

Change to the eggdrop directory and issue the ./configure command as follows.
./configure --with-tclinc=/usr/local/include/tcl8.3/tcl.h --with-tcllib=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/
As noted above, if the files are located as different names, or locations, then change the values acordingly.

Once you hit return, the script will do it's task. After it is completed, you should scroll thtough the output, looking for information, related to Tcl (you will see it). It will tell you the location of Tcl, the library version and the header version. So long as they match (or at least come to 8.3), then you may compile as normal.
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Post by Yourname »

Bad bad bad! :sad: The tcl8.3 dir exists but, not the *.so.. And then there is tcl8.0, but not tcl8.1 (one which you suggested)

I'd be thankful if you'd gimme some steps on how to install tcl8.1 myself..

Dormant egghead.