Thats the bot.log[00:08] sentinel: JOIN-PART flood detected on #hyderabad! Channel locked temporarily.
[00:08] * Last context: tclhash.c/672 [TCL proc: sl_jflood, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
[00:08] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[00:08] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[00:08] * Wrote DEBUG
[00:08] * BUS ERROR -- CRASHING!
Thats the Debug..Debug (eggdrop v1.6.6) written Sun Dec 9 00:08:02 2001
Full Patch List:
TCL library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.3
TCL version: 8.3 (header version 8.0)
TCL patchlevel: 8.3.1+ (header patchlevel 8.0.5)
TCL isn't threaded
Compile flags: gcc -pipe -g -O2 -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Link flags: gcc -pipe
Strip flags: strip
Context: tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: <null>, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: *raw:irc:join, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: autogreet, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: join_peak, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672, [TCL proc: mc:banc:join, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
tclhash.c/676, []
tclhash.c/668, []
tclhash.c/672 [TCL proc: sl_jflood, param: $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4]
---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 D1F7C894 3459 (bots) * lstn 3459
4 D1F7C894 3455 (users) * lstn 3455
8 D1740761 6667 (server) serv (lag: 180)
6 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
10 CA38C79C 63016 Yourname et@ chat flags: cpTEp/0
12 D461CD4E 3195 Vandal net@ bot flags: puCOsgwliA
14 3F907A0C 3459 Nasreen bot flags: pucOsgwliA
Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 3 (listen), 4 (listen), 6 (passed on), 10, 8 (inbuf: 01DA), 12, 13 (file), 14, done.
Thats what happened on the channel. Whats the whole thing about? I didnt post it on eggheads cuz.. This whole thing is related to sentinel, netbots component.*** Gorgon sets mode: +mi
*** Gorgon has quit IRC (Client closed connection)