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Userbans on eggdrop 1.6.15

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Userbans on eggdrop 1.6.15

Post by Valuial »

Moving from an Dailinshell to an 24/7 Shell I upgradet to 1.6.15.
Started the bot from scratch, so there are no old configurtations.

Setting up my channel surprised me a little:

Chaninfo tells me I have these modes:
Other modes:
-inactive -statuslog -secret +shared
+greet -seen +cycle +dontkickops
+protectops -protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
-bitch -autoop -autovoice -nodesynch
-enforcebans +dynamicbans -userbans -autohalfop
+dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites

But the Bot automaticly bounces every ban made by Channel OPs...

Is there a bug in 1.6.15 or must it be some problem in my configuration?

Post by tripp »

if you read through your config, you will see that -userbans will only allow users to make bans through the bots console.

good luck,
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:35 pm

I see what you mean.

Post by adam15906 »

I see this in the eggdrop.conf but how do I set +userbans?
I tried .channel and .chanset.
Posts: 168
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:42 pm

Re: I see what you mean.

Post by Bytez »

adam15906 wrote:I see this in the eggdrop.conf but how do I set +userbans?
I tried .channel and .chanset.
Read the conf carefully, they show you an example.. it's not hidden :P

and Valuial, if you do a search for Bans you 'll find many topics on the issue of bots removing bans made by other users. The search button can be very useful at times... :wink:

Post by Valuial »

OK, I tried a bit.

The problem was not the -usrbans in the first place.
It WAS +userbans when the problem occured the first time.

Could it be, that eggdrop unbans any Banmask matching The Channel owner?
I set +userbans back, and tested with a hostmask not matching any User in the Userfile.
The problem seems to be solved...
Posts: 168
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:42 pm

Post by Bytez »

Did you set -dynamicbans when you fixed it?

Post by Valuial »

Ni I didn't. But I didn't test bans for longer than a few minutes.

I don't intend to let Users set Bans which last for longer than a few Hours without using the Bot. You can't set any comments on those bans.

mfg Valuial

PS: The bot bounced the bans in the first place...