lo all.
Yea i need a Anti-Nickflood Script. The Nickflood-Ban from eggdrop sucks, cause it Bans Channel op's/voice's too.
Can anyone write me an little Addon for this please?
where i can add
- how many nickchange's, in how many seconds allowed
- ban reason
- bantime
And the Script, should not Ban op's/voice's.
Thanx to everyone
LaLopeZ wrote:lo all.
Yea i need a Anti-Nickflood Script. The Nickflood-Ban from eggdrop sucks, cause it Bans Channel op's/voice's too.
Can anyone write me an little Addon for this please?
where i can add
- how many nickchange's, in how many seconds allowed
- ban reason
- bantime
And the Script, should not Ban op's/voice's.
Thanx to everyone
Here's a wild idea... add your op's and voice's to your bot and give them the +f flag.... I know, it sounds crazy.... but I mean, they probably thought Christopher Columbus was crazy when he said the world was round!
LaLopeZ wrote:ehm, i can't add over 100op's and much voice's.
If you had time to make them op's and voice's in the first place, then you have time to add them to your bot.
There is another Service, who op/voice them ..
and i cant add all, cause there often change there vhosts.
so please, make this script, much work for ya?