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What script would do this?

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What script would do this?

Post by adam15906 »

Ok I have a channel where some people get nicks like G|1463345 if they do not identify and we already have a bot to kick and ban on them nick changes but my question is how can I set my bot to go around like every 30 minutes and unban just nick bans like G|*!*@* and no other bans. I know +dynamicbans but that doesn't really get the result that I want. Thank you so much if you can help me.

P.S. How do you turn off things like

[20:01] #blah: mode change '+b G|5998867!*@*' by blah!blah@blah.blah.blah.blah?
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My attempt at a script

Post by adam15906 »

This is my rather interesting attempt at a script but it appearntly still lets my Drop run LoL

bind time - "00 * * * *" time:guestunbans
bind time - "30 * * * *" time:guestunbans

proc time:guestunbans {min hour day month year} {
foreach item [banlist #betas] {
match $bannick G|
killchanban item
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Post by Ofloo »

I think you mean a script like this

it bans user if the ident matches ~ cause an nick that is not identifyed to nickserv contains a ~ in ident.

note: i have not tested this script so if it doesn't work plz let me know ;)

Code: Select all

bind join - * join:pub

proc join:pub {nick uhost hand chan} {
  if {[string match -nocase "\x7E*" "[lindex [split $uhost @] 0]]"]} {
    if {![validuser $nick]} {
      adduser $nick
      chattr $nick +B
      set bantime [timer 20 [list kickban $nick $uhost $chan]]
    if {[validuser $nick]} {
      chattr $nick +A
      timer 30 [list kickban $nick $uhost $chan]

proc kickban {nick uhost chan} {
  if {![string match -nocase "\x7E*" "[lindex [split $uhost @] 0]]"]} {
    pushmode +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]]
    putkick $chan $nick "Ident your self"
    timer 30 [list unbanuser $nick $uhost $chan]

proc unbanuser {nick uhost chan} {
  if {[matchattr $nick +A]} {
    pushmode -b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
    chattr $nick -A
  if {[matchattr $nick +B]} {
    pushmode -b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
    chattr $nick -B
    deluser $nick
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Ofloo wrote:[snip]
it bans user if the ident matches ~ cause an nick that is not identifyed to nickserv contains a ~ in ident.
that's not true, if ~ is in ident it means the user doesn't have identd.
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Re: What script would do this?

Post by BarkerJr »

adam15906 wrote:P.S. How do you turn off things like

[20:01] #blah: mode change '+b G|5998867!*@*' by blah!blah@blah.blah.blah.blah?
See .help console
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Post by Ofloo »

Sir_Fz wrote:that's not true, if ~ is in ident it means the user doesn't have identd
Thats what i sad !!!! ;p

nick that is not identifyed to nickserv contains a ~ in ident.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Ofloo wrote:
Sir_Fz wrote:that's not true, if ~ is in ident it means the user doesn't have identd
Thats what i sad !!!! ;p

nick that is not identifyed to nickserv contains a ~ in ident.
No, you didn't get me. If the user doesn't have identd installed on his system, then he won't get an ident response from the server, this ~ will be in his ident.. he can identify to nickserv and act as a normal registered/identified user with ~ in his ident.