Good morning guys!
I am here cause I got a problem again hehe .
But I respect your help and knowledge and I hope to get helped here.
My first thing:
How do I save a channel key per TCL? It sounds easy, but HA! It isn't!
In partyline it's easy:
.chanset #chan need-key putserv "JOIN :#chan key"
So I tried to use that same line in TCL:
channel set $newchan need-key {putserv "JOIN $newchan $key"}
But it doesn't work.
When I drop the { } I only see "putserv" in need-key.
When I drop the " " I only see the variables $key instead of the real key.
(Eggdrop 1.6.13 + TCL 8.3.4)
I watched into a few public command scripts, but I didn't found ANY SCRIPT who saves channel keys (weired - nobody noticed yet). In LOLz tools they use that way: channel set $newchan need-key "chankey #chan key" <- but that way doesnt work. Gives error "chankey?".
So can anyone gimme a working solution to save channel key's?
My current script looks like this but won't work:
channel add $newchan
channel set $newchan need-key {putserv "JOIN $newchan $key"}
putserv "JOIN $newchan $key"
-> Key get's lost after .restart (sure cause need-key is wrong ).
My second problem:
I know [channels] and I know current chan $chan.
I want to set a new variable which contains ALL [channels] EXCEPT current $chan. I tried that with foreach but couldn't find the correct solution. Can anyone help me? I just need a variable which contains all other channels where the bot is on ([channels]) except the chan where I used that command in ($chan).
Big thanks. I love you guys (and girls??) .
See ya,