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lreplace and lsearch combination

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lreplace and lsearch combination

Post by BiLL »


I got a problem with lreplace and lsearch :(. I tried a few ways but I don't get it working correctly!

I got his:

msg = Hello Guys. Blablabla bla bla IRC bla bla bla bla.

I want to replace in $msg that IRC with $nick (current nick of the triggerer).

So I tried this one:

set msg [lreplace $msg [lsearch $msg "IRC"] [lsearch $msg "IRC"] $nick]

But then he put's $nick in FRONT of the line instead of replacing IRC with $nick :(.

Can someone help me please?
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Post by user »

My guess is that the element "IRC" is not found, so 'lsearch' returns "-1" and that's where your nick ends up :) (remember: it's case sensitive)
Also make sure your $msg is a list before using list commands on it

Code: Select all

set msg [split $msg]
and then

Code: Select all

set msg [join $msg]
if you want it output as a string later on.
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by BiLL »


thanks for your answer.

set msg [split $msg]
set msg [lreplace $msg [lsearch $msg "IRC"] [lsearch $msg "IRC"] $nick]
set msg [join $msg]

I tried this code now but it's still the same. IRC is still not beeing replaced and my irc-nick lands in front of $msg :(.

Any other idea??
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Post by user »

BiLL wrote:IRC is still not beeing replaced and my irc-nick lands in front of $msg :(.
Check if the element is found before you do the replacement (like my lsearch of [channels] in our previous thread)
'lsearch' returns -1 when what you search for is not found in the list and that's the only thing that could cause this behaviour. Again: check the case of that word in your list.. are you sure it's in all uppercase like the element you search for?
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by BiLL »

Ah, I found the bug :)

Its because I am using that msg:

greetings, please query NICK, this is my msg.

Its because I am using NICK, <- if i leave the , it works. With , it doenst work. You maybe can help me with that also? So I can replace NICK, with my IRCNICK, ? There should be a way!
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Post by BiLL »

please someone help me i don't know how to fix that :-(
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

BiLL wrote:Its because I am using NICK, <- if i leave the , it works. With , it doenst work. You maybe can help me with that also?
NICK is not NICK, in a list

here's a better proc (and no, it's not by me :D)

Code: Select all

proc varrep {string what with} {
	if {![string match "*$what*" $string]} {return $string}
	set cutstart [expr [string first $what $string] - 1]
	set cutstop  [expr $cutstart + [string length $what] + 1]
	set string [string range $string 0 $cutstart]$with[string range $string $cutstop end]
	return $string
set msg [varrep $msg "nick" $::botnick]
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Post by BiLL »

great that works perfect thanks!