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Post by CrazyCat »

Again with this trouble...
I've tried my tcl with another eggdrop, on another shell...
No more results...
I've tried sending by the hand a /msg eggdrop \001VERSION myversion\001 and /notice eggdrop \001VERSION myversion\001 , it doesn't see any ctcr, ctcp, notice, msg or msgm....

What is wrong with my eggdrops?
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Post by egghead »

CrazyCat wrote: I've tried sending by the hand a /msg eggdrop \001VERSION myversion\001 and /notice eggdrop \001VERSION myversion\001
That is not the way to do it.
CrazyCat wrote: it doesn't see any ctcr, ctcp, notice, msg or msgm....

What is wrong with my eggdrops?
Why are you checking for ctcp, notice, msg, msgm?

You must check for ctcr if you expect a ctcp reply.

Maybe the bots have you on ignore?
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Post by CrazyCat »

no :)
let me explain better:
to check the reply, i did this:
<eggdrop> .tcl putserv "NOTICE eggdrop :\001VERSION eggdrop 1.6.15\001"
this is the usual answer to a ctcp VERSION
so I bind ctcr AND notice, and none is working.
ignore list is empty (I know eggs are stupids, but it doesn't ignore himself)
So where is the trouble, I don't know....
did I miss something when compiling? it seems that no ctcp-reply is saw by the egg (I'd try ping and time to, nothing)