what do you like ? uptime ? vhosts ? prices ? fast ? good support ? please put them in an order so everyone can see it and take a lesson . and please put a price range what would you like it to be , be realistic though .
crazycat i just wanna know the opinion of most users , i dont wanna attract customers since i`m out of bussines , i just want people to see what experienced shell customers want and get . remember ... you get what you pay for . so sorry if sounds like a customer atracting thing but it`s not , btw , windrops on personal computers is ilegal if you are "hacking"(script kiddie thing) people computers .
MyShell wrote:windrops on personal computers is ilegal if you are "hacking"(script kiddie thing) people computers .
hey, where are U coming from?
when I said personal, it means my own computer.
And you may understand it was a joke, can you really believe I use windrops?
MyShell wrote:btw , your signature is quite annoying crazycat
No, it's an informative signature: I develop some TCL, and I hate spam...
So I prefer give my channel & network, so anyone can contact me *easily*
And do you really think it's an ad? you must connect on the network to see I'm its owner, I never wrote it in my sig.