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Bot removes bans after op sets them ?

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Bot removes bans after op sets them ?

Post by -=Stu=- »

Hi. I have my bot configured in a room with the room settings below, but my bot continually removes bans which have been added by ops. Generally the ops are not authenticated with the bot, and have either been given +o by another user, or authenticated with a IRC Service.

-inactive - statuslog +secret +shared -greet +seen +cycle +dontkickops +protectops +protectfriends -revenge -revengebot -botch -autoop -autovoice -nodesynch +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop +protecthalfops +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites -userinvites

From what I understand the setting +userbans should allow other room users to set bans, but for some reason the bot instantly removes the ban :(

Thanks for any help,
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Post by Rusher2K »

I think it is the ban-time or exempt-time in the eggdrop config.

Post by -=Stu=- »

Hi. My config has the following set :

set global-flood-chan 20:30
set global-flood-deop 3:10
set global-flood-kick 3:10
set global-flood-join 5:60
set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
set global-flood-nick 5:60
set global-aop-delay 5:30
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "nst"
set global-stopnethack-mode 1
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 120
set global-exempt-time 60
set global-invite-time 60

I might try settings the ban-time etc to 0 which should stop it removing them, although for most bans I would prefer them removed after a set period.

Thanks again,
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Post by Sir_Fz »

you channel is set -userbans

.chanset #channel +userbans
# userbans
# Allow bans to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot
# will require all bans to be made through the bot's console.

Post by -=Stu=- »

Hi. I have in my config as posted in my original post

...... +dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop .......
you channel is set -userbans

.chanset #channel +userbans
I'm presuming +userbans allows users to set bans without using the bot console, which is what I've got it set at the minute. Sorry about any confusion, but it is already set at +userbans.

Thanks again,
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Post by Sir_Fz »

when you do .chaninfo #channel what are the settings ?

Post by -=Stu=- »

Thanks for following this up for me :) The .chaninfo is :

[23:06] ((Bot): Settings for static channel #room:
[23:06] ((Bot): Protect modes (chanmode): +stn-kli
[23:06] ((Bot): Idle Kick after (idle-kick):
[23:06] ((Bot): stopnethack-mode: 1
[23:06] ((Bot): aop-delay: 5:30
[23:06] ((Bot): revenge-mode: 0
[23:06] ((Bot): ban-time: 120
[23:06] ((Bot): exempt-time: 60
[23:06] ((Bot): invite-time: 60
[23:06] ((Bot): To regain op's (need-op):
[23:06] ((Bot): putserv ""
[23:06] ((Bot): Other modes:
[23:06] ((Bot): -inactive -statuslog +secret +shared
[23:06] ((Bot): -greet +seen +cycle +dontkickops
[23:06] ((Bot): +protectops +protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
[23:06] ((Bot): -bitch -autoop -autovoice -nodesynch
[23:06] ((Bot): +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop
[23:06] ((Bot): +protecthalfops
[23:06] ((Bot): +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites -userinvites
[23:06] ((Bot): flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
[23:06] ((Bot): number: 20 3 5 3 3 5
[23:06] ((Bot): time : 30 60 60 10 10 60

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Post by YooHoo »

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to expire bans/exempts/invites
# set by other opped bots on the channel.
set force-expire 0

What tcl's do you have running that might interfere?
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Post by ]Kami[ »

like other guys told +userbans :) ...

Post by -=Stu=- »

YooHoo wrote:# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to expire bans/exempts/invites
# set by other opped bots on the channel.
set force-expire 0

What tcl's do you have running that might interfere?
We're using the following TCL's

source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl

source scripts/compat.tcl

source scripts/userinfo.tcl

source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/mooscript3.tcl
source scripts/bseen1.4.2.tcl
source scripts/quoteme-1.3.tcl
source scripts/cleanusers.tcl
source scripts/http.tcl
source scripts/date.tcl
source scripts/google-0.2.1.tcl
source scripts/cronchk.tcl

Most of the included TCL's can probably be removed since we aren't using a number of them now. Not even sure if we did actually use all of them at any point :)

For the time being I will try using set force-expire 0 to tempoarily stop the bot from removing the bans. But I'd prefer in the long run to allow users to temp ban people and have the bot auto remove the bans. I already have +userbans set for the room.
