I haven't tried this just because its kinda a pain in the butt to load this tcl up on the botnet for now.
But hypthetically since a bot when it links with another bot exchanges passwords at the challenge so the bots as long as they're linked should have always have the auth flag right?
It seems' that doesn't work, anyone know anyway, for the protections tcl I use, I want it to make sure the eggdrop is actually connected to the botnet before the botnet provides protection for the bot.
check out the site botnet script its realy good and if u read it ull see that it has that option somewhere i remember bumping into it when i was setting this up.
We use botnet ops, but I have a custom wrote protection script which works with auth.tcl, however I want the bots to auth each other when connect to each other.
Or if there's another way to use auth.tcl to have them automatically auth their password.