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HowTo perform an (mIRC-)like login sequence ?

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HowTo perform an (mIRC-)like login sequence ?

Post by shrek »

I am a noob with eggdrop, but i got it running so far :)

Now i want to perform some IRC like commands after my eggdrop connected to the server, but everything i read in this forums did not work with me ( TCL auth-scripts, hints shown in several postings ,etc.)

I want to do the following (irc commands):

/ajinvite on # set autojoin on invite ON

/MSG X@<server> login <registered (bot-)username> <passwd> #login on AuthBot of irc network

/MSG X@<server> invite <#Channel> <botnick> #invite nick to join a channel and enter that channel with "auto join"

Is that possible and what do i have to insert into my eggdrop.conf file ?

Thx in advance

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Post by Turambar »

If i remenber correctly there's an X auth script in the tcl archive. Just try searching for it

Post by shrek »

I have tried to modify several of these TCL scripts, but none of my modifications worked :(.
I am not only a noob with eggdrop, with TCL i am too.

But : conf file worked fine with that scripts, only the result was in no case the wanted . No auth with bot and no autojoin !

That's what i have done with the TCL script :
### Setup
# Set your bot's registered account and password.
set account "XXX"
set password "YYY"
set channel "#ZZ"

### Code

# Change the o to another flag if you like.
bind pub o .auth do_auth

proc do_auth {nick host handle chan text} {
global account password
putquick "MSG A@<server> :login $account $password"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Attempting to authenticate..."

set init-server {
putserv "AJINVITE :ON"
putquick "MSG A@<server> :invite $channel $account"

The log file of the intended channel told me :
"Channel invite only--can't join: #ZZ"
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Post by ]Kami[ »

Try this:
bind evnt - init-server my:connect
proc my:connect init-server {
putquick "PRIVMSG X@<server> :login bot-username password"
putquick "PRIVMSG X@<server> :invite <#Channel> <botnick>"

Post by shrek »

Thx ]Kami[ !

I added that AJINVITE :ON to your script , ....... and it's working fine :)