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ServerCheck script

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ServerCheck script

Post by cvanmeer »


I'm stuck with creating a TCL script. I have a webpage that I get with http::geturl etc. the output of that file is in $data

let's say the content of $data is:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
      <div id="maindiv" >
      <div id="ServerCheckDiv">
    <table id="ServerCheckTable">
      <tr><td>Account</td><td><img SRC="dot_green.gif"/>Online</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Character</td><td><img SRC="dot_green.gif"/>Online</td></tr>

      <tr><td>Interact</td><td><img SRC="dot_green.gif"/>Online</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Zone</td><td><img SRC="dot_green.gif"/>Online</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Proxy</td><td><img SRC="dot_green.gif"/>Online</td></tr>
In this file you see 5 types of servers: Account, Character, Interact, Zone and Proxy. Behind that is says if it's on- or offline

Now I want to make a script that will retrieve every server status and post it on the chan (the account server status goes to $account, character status goes to $character, etc.)

So I want to parse the file and select only row nrs. 8 till 13.
Then it has to search in those rows of it says ONLINE or OFFLINE
And than put that in the right variable (account status in $account, etc)

Could someone help me? I'm really stuck...been trying to make this for over a month now


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Post by user »

Try the method provided in this thread with the following regexp rule:

Code: Select all

{<tr><td>([^<]+)</td><td><img [^>]+>([^<]+)</td></tr>}
This will make it fairly robust I hope. Clue: the first variable in the foreach will be overwritten by the second one by the same name (making it discard the first reported value in each match, which is the entire match)
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Post by cvanmeer »

This will make it fairly robust I hope. Clue: the first variable in the foreach will be overwritten by the second one by the same name (making it discard the first reported value in each match, which is the entire match)
I don't get it, sorry.

And how do I put the right values in the right one of the 5 variables?

could you write some code to help me?


PS. Sorry I don't understand what you mean. I'm not that an expert :(
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Post by user »

Did you check the thread i refered to? I'd use an array (in case they add new values, so you don't risk overwriting existing variables)...or create the output directly in the foreach...
example 1 (creating the a string for output):

Code: Select all

set out {}
foreach {server server status} [regexp -all -nocase -inline {<tr><td>([^<]+)</td><td><img [^>]+>([^<]+)</td></tr>} $html] {
	lappend out "$server is $status"
set out [join $out ", "]
example 2 (storing the values in an array):

Code: Select all

foreach {server server status} [regexp -all -nocase -inline {<tr><td>([^<]+)</td><td><img [^>]+>([^<]+)</td></tr>} $html] {
	set onoroff($server) $status
..then loop through [array names onoroff] or access onoroff(Name) directly (check if {[info exists ...] first to avoid errors)
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Post by cvanmeer »

thank you!
it worked
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The cut'n'paste-force is strong with this one

Post by user »

cvanmeer wrote:it worked
Cool :mrgreen:
Have you ever read "The Manual"?