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botnet; bots dont link

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botnet; bots dont link

Post by MasterJM »

Hi, some problem with my botnets since 2 days.

The bots cannot link each other.
On the Hub:
.link borgqueen
Linking to borgqueen at ...
*** [repulse] Couldn't link to borgqueen.
Failed link to borgqueen.
the client:
.link repulse
Already linking to that bot.
No bots linked.
From the shell of the hub i can telnet to the client bot:
telnet **** 21***
Trying 62.75.*.*
Connected to ******
Escape character is '^]'.
borgqueen (Eggdrop v1.6.15...
Whats the Problem?
works fine for months

thx for help

greets JM
-good old time
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Post by j0n »

that information is not specific enough... sorry
i`m bored so i`ll bring up a few options.

-the bot loads up recently and because the port is used, it uses default port+1 , so the address information in the userfile is wrong

-the server is just having difficulties and cannot link correctly.

only 2 options i can think of.
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Post by MasterJM »

j0n wrote:that information is not specific enough... sorry
i`m bored so i`ll bring up a few options.

-the bot loads up recently and because the port is used, it uses default port+1 , so the address information in the userfile is wrong

-the server is just having difficulties and cannot link correctly.

only 2 options i can think of.
1. can not be the problem, bot net was up 1 year - no changes :)

2. yeah think so too, but i dont understand it, all other client
can link to the hub :/
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Post by MasterJM »

i dont get it

now they link

(i habe 2 botnets - one (same the shells - no problem)

but the other:
[12:23] Telnet connection: */2316
[12:23] Challenging client...
[12:23] Linked to client.
*** Linked to zarelia
[12:23] Creating resync buffer for client
[12:23] Sending user file send request to client
[12:23] Lost userfile transfer; aborting.
*** Disconnected client (aborted userfile transfer)
[12:23] (Userlist transmit aborted.)

on client:
[12:23] Received challenge from hub... sending response ...
[12:23] Linked to hub.
*** Linked to hub
[12:23] Downloading user file from hub
[12:23] Failed connection; aborted userfile transfer.
[12:23] Disconnected from: hub. No reason (lost 3 bots and 1 user)
*** Disconnected from: hub. No reason (lost 3 bots and 1 user)
i have delinked the bot
and linked to another bot of the net, works :(

i dont get it :/
-good old time

Post by aCe2k »

I'll bump this, coz i'm having the exact same problem as last post

Code: Select all

Sat 12:56 <ShareBot> *** Linked to HubBot
Sat 12:56 <ShareBot> [11:03] Downloading user file from HubBot
Sat 12:56 <ShareBot> [11:03] Lost userfile transfer from HubBot; aborting.
Sat 12:56 <ShareBot> *** HubBot
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Telnet connection:
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Challenging ShareBot...
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Linked to ShareBot.
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> *** Linked to ShareBot
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Creating resync buffer for ShareBot
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Sending user file send request to ShareBot
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] Disconnected from: ShareBot. No reason (lost 1 bot and 0 users)
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> *** Disconnected from: ShareBot. No reason (lost 1 bot and 0 users)
Sat 12:56 <HubBot> [12:36] (Userlist transmit aborted.)
... and it keeps on repeating this untill we remove the userfile sharing.

The bot's have been working perfectly for some time, but due to a thunderstrom the hubbot was taken offline for protection and a few other bots too, but afterwards this started happening.

5 bots connecting to HubBot..
i use:
eggdrop v1.6.15 (2 bots)
eggdrop v1.6.13 (3 bots)

So plz.. havn't even got a clue to what's wrong now.

Post by Muridae »

That sounds like a port problem. Are the bots on the same machine? If so they need to listen on different ports. You can set that with the "listen 3333 all" command in the config. If the bots are not on the same machine, do you have a firewall blocking port port connections? We really need more data to figure out what's wrong. Give specifics on physical locations, etc.

Post by aCe2k »

well, since the bot's can connect with each other.. I feel it's not an issue with a firewall, coz as soon as I disable shareing of userfile, they stay connected and all botnet scripts work perfectly, just not the sending of the userfile.

So, with this in mind. Any other ideas? How about developers?
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Post by Alchera »

Try shell problems.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by j0n »

It's not the port.

Maybe the bot is on a weak connection (dial up) and the tranfer of the userfile times out.

I had problems with the resync bufferfunction, which made things worst for me when a shell was experiencing connectivity issues, I would just disable the resync buffer.

It's just an issue with the uplink of the server. It will work once things are stable.