I'm a newbie is these matters
I'm trying to connect 6 eggdrops, and I've followed all the steps listed in
Just found one thing wierd:
when I do .dccstat, I get this:
(PT-wars) ---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
(PT-wars) 3 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
(PT-wars) 5 D94B6CA6 6667 (server) se.quakenet.org serv (lag: 0)
(PT-wars) 6 D981A1FC 4773 iP|Hellph sers.quakenet.org chat flags: cPtEp/0
Once that I couldn't see their port, I checked the port that is in the config(for all eggdrops):
# the listen port. You should not keep this set to 3333.
listen 13009 all (for PT`relay4)
# the listen port. You should not keep this set to 3333.
listen 13008 all (for PT`relay3)
and so on, and so on.
These steps were made to the 5 leaf bots
(iP|Hellphasto) .chanset #PTwar +shared
(PT-wars) Successfully set modes { +shared } on #PTwar.
(iP|Hellphasto) .+bot PT`relay4
(PT-wars) Added bot 'PT`relay4' with no address and no hostmask.
(PT-wars) (Added hostmask for PT`relay4 from #PTwar)
(iP|Hellphasto) .chattr PT`relay4 +fo
(PT-wars) Global flags for PT`relay4 are now +bfo.
(iP|Hellphasto) .botattr PT`relay4 +hpg
(PT-wars) Bot flags for PT`relay4 are now +ghp.
When I try to link them
(iP|Hellphasto) .link PT`relay1
(PT-wars) Invalid telnet address:port stored for 'PT`relay1'.
(PT-wars) Use: .chaddr PT`relay1 <address>:<port#>[/<relay-port#>]
(iP|Hellphasto) .chaddr PT`relay1 i.could.kick.your.ass.even.if.you.were.from.the.eleite.info:13003
(iP|Hellphasto) .link PT`relay1
(PT-wars) *** [PT-wars] Couldn't link to PT`relay1.
I'm shure that something is wrong but dont have a clue what might be
Hope someone can help me with some tips