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Game:UNO script

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:51 pm

Game:UNO script

Post by taliesen »

ok, i know this was touched on in an old thread... , but i felt it would be better to start a new one for this.

after much frustration using the UNO script with all its bugs, and not finished features, but users contantly playing it. i decided to start debugging the nerfbendr version of it, untill he eventually releases a new version of it.

what i am wondering is, has anyone else done this, and would they mind sharing what they have done/fixed thus far?

myself, all i have done is fix the small bug letting users play a "draw two" card on top of any other card. also kinda fixed the bug where if you play a wild(draw four) as your last card, it would lock the game and !stop would be needed. still working on that though.

do plan on fixing a few other things, just so much that isnt working right :/

so perhaps if anyone who has fixed any bugs would mind sharing, we could all get this great game working like is should.

Also, in that other thread, someone mentioned making their own UNO script from scratch, any further word on this?

Posts: 953
Joined: Tue May 13, 2003 1:37 am
Location: Belguim

Post by Ofloo »

hmm not sur i can't see any bugs being descused in the last tread u sur there bugs and not misconfigurations. i also understood that someone allready is working on it (user) from what i could understand eh i won't speak for him so, if he is working on it then i think its useless for someone else to start and rewrite it unless this isn't true i could give it a try .. maybe can help you out but i don't promess anything cause i am not sur if i am able to, .. could u post this script ur refering to so i can have a look
XplaiN but think of me as stupid