I made a proc which lets people put themselves in the topic, whether or not they are available for a clanwar.
In short this is:
Code: Select all
proc pub_waravail {nick host hand chan text} {
global avail
set myname "[lindex $text 0]"
if {($myname != "")} {
if {$avail == ""} {
set avail "$myname"
} else {
append avail " $myname"
putserv "TOPIC $chan :Available: $avail"
Is this possible?
I've already made this with different variables, but it's a LOT of code, and there are a lot of spaces in the topic
It looks like this:
Code: Select all
if {$avail1 == ""} {
set avail1 $myname
putserv "TOPIC $chan :Available: $avail1 $avail2 $avail3 $avail4 $avail5 $avail6 $avail7 $avail8 $avail9 $avail10"
if {$avail2 == ""} {
set avail2 $myname
putserv "TOPIC $chan :Available: $avail1 $avail2 $avail3 $avail4 $avail5 $avail6 $avail7 $avail8 $avail9 $avail10"