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easiest way to auto op

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by dehd »

looking for a way to auo op most effectively
. these are small private chans so i trust myself on this. will be using this on 2 of 4 chans that the bot is in.
so far i did......
.+user everyone #chan1
.+host *!*@*
.chattr everyone +o #chan1
.chanset #chan1 +autoop

lemme know if this is right. actually it works, but seems very slow to take effect from the time someone enters. what would i do to use this on 2 chans, as mentioned earlier. thanks.
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Post by ppslim »

You are doing corectly, with edding flags and such.

But you should not add a user, and give a him a hostmaks of *!*@*.

This can confuse eggdrop, and deny owners access to the bot. EG

It recognises you as every1, because of the *!*@* and you are deemed only an auto-op.

You could either create a user, called auto-op, and add hosts for eahc use that shoudl be auto-oped. The you should give them the +a channel flag.

Auto-op has a delay feature. This is why you see the lagg, from the time they enter. This is to rpevent rooms with lots of bots being flooded with +o's on join.

Post by dehd »

1. remove that user (deleating the open hostmask, and it's channel flags)

2. new user (auto-op)

3. add all the hostmasks to that user

4. chattr that user to +o #channel

i can then set that channel back to -autoop then correct?

now a question, why are there 2 differ flag settings then, with different titles, that do the same thing (+o/+a) ?

thanks for the help.
Revered One
Posts: 3914
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

+a and +o server 2 different tasks.

+a is the auto-op flag, and is the one you want.

+o is the op flag, which allows a registered user, to gain ops on a channel, be exempt from the +bitch setting, and gain ops from the bot, by sending his password.

+autoop flag for channels, is used to auto-op any user with the +o global, or channel flag, when he enters the room.