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replacing line problem

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replacing line problem

Post by collett9 »

Well after my last post and getting that to work, it turned out not to be what I needed exactly.

I need to REPLACE the line, so I did a bit of searching and found:

Here is what I have, and it's not working:

Code: Select all

bind pub - !setvar replaceLines
bind pub - !setvar cmd:setvar

proc replaceLines {args} { 
   if {[llength $args]>=3} { 
      foreach {file start end} $args break 
      set cmd [list lreplace [split [read [set f [open $file r]]] \n] $start $end] 
      close $f 
      if {[llength $args]>3} {lappend cmd [lindex $args 3]} 
      puts -nonewline [set f [open $file w]] [join [eval $cmd] \n] 
      close $f 
   } { 
      error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] file start end ?replacement?\"" 

proc cmd:setvar {nick host handle chan text} { 
global privchan variwannaset
 foreach channel $privchan {
   if {$chan == "$privchan"} {
   set variwannaset "$text"
   replaceLines vars.tcl 76 76 [set variwannaset "$text"]
   putquick "NOTICE $nick :Variable has been set to: \002$variwannaset\002"
(As you can tell, the line I want to edit is 76)

Help? :roll:
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Post by stdragon »

The script you found seems to remove line 76 and add another one onto the very end. You want to replace 76? Change the lreplace command to add the new line in place of the one you remove. See the tcl manual for the lreplace command for details.
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Post by user »

I think this is what you want...

Code: Select all

replaceLines vars.tcl 76 76 [list set variwannaset "$text"]
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by collett9 »

yea, that's what I needed, however it poses yet another problem

in the file it actually sets it as:

Code: Select all

set variwannaset text

instead of what I NEED it to be

Code: Select all

set variwannaset "text"

I've also tried the

Code: Select all

[list set variwannaset "\"$text\""]
and every combination I possibly know...

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Post by strikelight »

As I told you on irc, no, you don't NEED it to be "text", because in Tcl,
set var word , is the same as set var "word" ...
If it is a multi-word, the list command will make it set var {word1 word2}, which is essentially the same as set var "word1 word2", less variable substitution, which your original line will take care of anyway...