Opss, I'm so sorry for it, ppslim. Argh, mistake done! WooPs, I've changed the topic k
. After review one by one TCL scripts that I have loaded, I found that "
Chanpro2.2.tcl" make the regexp error as stated before.
Here is check_pubm proc;
proc check_pubm {nick host hand chan text} {
#load some global variables
global chanpro botnick
#set some variables
set botnicky [string tolower $botnick]
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set enabled [lsearch -exact $chanpro(chans) $chan]
set host [string tolower $host]
#check if the chan enabled, else return..
if {!$chanpro(all) && $enabled == -1} {return 0}
#check if the bot is OPed, else return..
if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
#check if the bot is actually typing the word himself, if so - return..
if {[string tolower $nick] == $botnicky} {return 0}
#check if other bot is actually typing the word <- Added to fix bugs
if {[matchattr $hand +b]} {return 0}
#check the text for colors, bold, underline and CAPS
if {[string match *\003* $text]} {check_color $nick $host $hand $chan $text} \
elseif {[string match *\002* $text]} {check_bold $nick $host $hand $chan $text} \
elseif {[string match *\037* $text]} {check_underline $nick $host $hand $chan $text} \
else {check_caps $nick $host $hand $chan $text}
} ;#end proc
And how to fix it up?