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Math problem with regexp

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Math problem with regexp

Post by Alchera »


The following nippet of code is giving me headaches
if {![regexp -- {^([0-9]*[dhm])([0-9]*[dhm])?([0-9]*[dhm])?$} $expire]} {
set expire -1
set index 2
} else {
set e $expire
if {![regexp -- {([0-9]*)m} $e -> min] || ($min == "")} {set min 0}
if {![regexp -- {([0-9]*)h} $e -> hour] || ($hour == "")} {set hour 0}
if {![regexp -- {([0-9]*)d} $e -> day] || ($day == "")} {set day 0}
set expire [expr ($min)+($hour*60)+($day*1440)]
set index 3
newchanban $channel $target_hostmask $nick $reason $expire none
Typing "ban *!*stardust@* 2d Test" in the channel, for instance, gives me a ban of 1 day and not the 2 days I want and a ban of 5d gives me 4.

Any help will definitely be appreciated. :)
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Post by strikelight »

Add a putlog after your expr of the value of expire....
Should let you know if the problem is happening there, or somewhere after expire is set...
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Post by Alchera »

Hello again :)
Add a putlog after your expr of the value of expire....
Done, and the math seems to be OK.

In channel: ban *!*stardust@* 5d Test

Results in DCC:
[03:37] <Barry> [03:37] <<Alchera@#aussie-aussie>> !Alchera! ban *!*stardust@* 5d Test
[03:37] <Barry> [03:37] Day = 5 Hour = 0 Min = 0 Expire = 7200
[03:38] <Barry> Channel bans for #aussie-aussie: (* = not placed by bot)
[03:38] <Barry> [ 1] *!*stardust@* (expires in 4 days)
[03:38] <Barry> Alchera: Test
[03:38] <Barry> Created 03:37
Am I misreading what eggdrop is telling me in DCC?
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Post by strikelight »

Perhaps eggdrop doesn't count the current day as one of the days...
This would most likely be the case...
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Post by Alchera »

Perhaps eggdrop doesn't count the current day as one of the days...
Would appear that is the case and it's a minor thing anyway. I'm just glad it wasn't what I'd written. LOL

Thanks for the help :)
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Post by ppslim »

Well, considering as soon as you place the ban, the countdown starts, it only takes one second to pass before it turns to 4 days, 23 hours, 59 mins and 59 sec.

Eggdrop shortens it to the days only.

I will need to check on that in the source though.
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Post by Alchera »

Interestingly enough, setting a ban of 1 day results in the following:

[20:49] <Barry> Channel bans for #aussie-aussie: (* = not placed by bot)
[20:49] <Barry> [ 1] *!*hutch@* (expires at 20:49)
[20:49] <Barry> Alcheri: Test
[20:49] <Barry> Created 20:49

Now I'm assuming that's 20:49 the next day as the ban remained.
A ban of 5 days (that shows 4) would be counted 24 hours after the ban is set and would be a total of 5 days all up?

The way eggdrop handles this has now got my curiosity up. :)
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