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File relay between 2 bots via bot net, each on diff net

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File relay between 2 bots via bot net, each on diff net

Post by KnightHawk »

Does anyone know of a script that exists, to perform fserv sharing, over multiple
"User A using a fserv script, advertises a file on Net A...then user b (on Net B issues the get command, and then Bot A
(located on Net A) gets the file, relays it to bot B (located on Net B)...then Bot B send its to the person who requested it

in other words :
request (net A)--->Bot A ---> Bot B --->user fserv (NetB)
receiving user <---Bot A <---Bot B <---sending user

Bots are currently linked and relaying just fine for chan messages and actions, its just the fserv relay i have no clue on
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Post by stdragon »

It wouldn't be too hard to modify an existing fserve script to do that. Change the part where it sends the file (usually dccsend) to issue a botnet command (putbot) and have a script on the other bot that intercepts the botnet command and executes dccsend. It's probably only a couple lines of script.

Note that the other bot has to have access to the file that needs to be sent! So you will have to keep the bot's file areas in sync -- whenever you add a file to one, add it to the other.
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 1:07 pm

Post by KnightHawk »

stdragon -- Thanks for the feed back, it definately gives me a better focus on what would be involved. Never really messed with fservs on eggys, more just pub commands and raw for ircop stuff. Am not real concerned about the sync yet (unless problems arise) cause the 1st bot would receive the entire file first before it turns around and sends it to the second, correct? If thats the case, then that problem is autmatically null and void. The only thing i would have to do at that point, is then have the files cleaned up and deleted after the entire process is finished (due to somewhat limited shell space, and i really dont have the desire to store them permanetely in each bot)
I'll have to read through the docs more, at greater length at those 2 commands. Never used those in particular in any scripts i have ever messed with. BTW, if i can getting it working, would it be cool to submit it to ya'll for possible review and posting on the site?
Thanks again.