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Msg the input

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Msg the input

Post by AbuAli »

Hello, i need a code .. send a msg to what a nick say...

like EX:
if <nick1> say on #channe1 test
will. the bot do "privmsg test :msg1"

if <nick1> say on #channel1 something
will. the bot do "privmsg something :msg1"

if <nick1> say on #channel1 blahblahblah
will. the bot do "privmsg blahblahblah :msg1"

i need to
set nick1 "the nick who will talk the nicks on the channel"
set channel1 "the channel when will read the nicks"
set msg1 "the msg what the bot will send"

thx for help :D
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Post by awyeah »

Very...easy this is almost near to basics. :mrgreen:
Use, this it should work.

Code: Select all

bind pubm - "*" private:talk

set nick1 "awyeah"
set channel1 "#elite"
set msg1 "I am a bot!"

proc private:talk {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global botnick nick1 channel1 msg1
 if {([string equal -nocase $chan $channel1]) && ([string equal -nocase $nick $nick1]) && (![string equal -nocase $botnick $nick])} { 
  set text [lindex $text 0]; putserv "PRIVMSG $text :$msg1"
  return 0
Whenever nick "X" types anything on the defined channel:

<X> hello!
The bot will privmsg 'hello!"
In this case the message will not be sent, as 'hello!' is not a valid nick.
Just make sure, hello! is a valid nick, as the '!' character is not valid for nicks.

So X should have to say:

<X> hello
Then the bot will privmsg 'hello' with your defined msg.

Also in case if X says more than 1 word in the text:

<X> hello there!
In this case, the privmsg will still be sent to the first word said.
So the privmsg will be sent to the nick 'hello' (the first word of the text).

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Post by AbuAli »

hello awyeah,
another qs?
if i need to send direct without useing channel1
if "nick1" msg botnick "blahblah"
botnick "privmsg blahblah :msg1"
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Post by awyeah »

Well then, use this:

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bind pubm - "*" private:talk 

set nick1 "awyeah" 
set msg1 "I am a bot!" 

proc private:talk {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
 global botnick nick1 msg1 
  if {([string equal -nocase $nick $nick1]) && (![string equal -nocase $botnick $nick])} { 
  set text [lindex $text 0]; putserv "PRIVMSG $text :$msg1" 
  return 0 
By now you should know how to manipulate a small/easy peice of code, to function slightly different.

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Post by AbuAli »

hello how can i use CMSG on this code.. ?

i try modify "PRIVMSG $text :$msg1" to "CMSG $text :$msg1"
but not working .. :(

Code: Select all

bind pubm - "*" private:talk 

set nick1 "awyeah" 
set msg1 "I am a bot!" 

proc private:talk {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
 global botnick nick1 msg1 
  if {([string equal -nocase $nick $nick1]) && (![string equal -nocase $botnick $nick])} { 
  set text [lindex $text 0]; putserv "PRIVMSG $text :$msg1" 
  return 0 
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Post by greenbear »

There's no CMSG in tcl/eggdrop
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Post by Alchera »

And the magic question now is... what in blue blazes is "CMSG"?
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Post by awyeah »

Maybe he means:
I would suggest, heh... :D

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proc name { bla bla } {
 global bla
 if {($bla == $bla1)} { set CMSG "PRIVMSG" }
 if {($bla == $bla2)} { set CMSG "NOTICE" }
 putserv "$CMSG $text :$msg1"
Either one of these, based upon some 'if' condition. :mrgreen:

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Post by Alchera »

Possibly :D
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Post by AbuAli »

no its not that awyeah :(
on my network.. we have command "cmsg nick channel msg"
you have to be oped to do this command...

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Post by Papillon »

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putserv "CMSG $nick $channel :$msg"
should work then
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