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looking for tcl to shitlist for version reply

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looking for tcl to shitlist for version reply

Post by pirate »

hello there ive searched for 3 days now and cant find what im after

i cant tcl script if my life depended on it

im after a tcl that will version onjoin and add the user+addy to a shitlist

reason is im trying to get the stupid xdcc catcher out of my channel

and they are using the version reply mirc 6.14

users wont mind to change versions if they want to stay and talk

but these bots are way out of control and something needs done.

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Re: looking for tcl to shitlist for version reply

Post by user »

pirate wrote:hello there ive searched for 3 days now and cant find what im after

i cant tcl script if my life depended on it

im after a tcl that will version onjoin and add the user+addy to a shitlist
I guess you should be happy your life doesn't depend on being able to find stuff ;) I searched for 3 seconds and found one right here: ..or did you try that one already? (it's called noversions.tcl)
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by K »

a bether ideea is to ban the one who is doing that dcc exploit. here is a script:

Code: Select all

bind raw - PRIVMSG raw:exploit 

proc raw:exploit {from keyword args} { 
  set args [string trim $args "{}"] 
  if {[regexp {(SEND|RESUME).*"(?:[^" ]*\s){32}.*$} $args]} { 
    set banmask *!*@[lindex [split $from @] 1] 
    set chan [lindex [split $args] 0] 
    newchanban $chan $banmask Exploit "DCC Exploit" 5d 
