the thing is, I have a piece of code that loads every script in the script folder and if there is an error, it will make a log of it, and if im not mistaken, userinfo IS loaded after the script that wipes all other binds, but userinfo doesnt bind the msg i believe, I think its build into eggdrop.
Code: Select all
foreach script [glob scripts/*] {
if {(![file isdirectory $script]) && ([regexp {^(.+)\.tcl$} $script])} {
catch {source $script} error
if {$error != ""} {
putlog "ERROR: the following error occured while evaluating ${script}: $error"
If you remove all other "source scripts/*script.tcl*" lines from ur eggdrop.conf this will load all the scripts and if it finds an error ( such as a missing close brace ) it will make a log of it and the bot won't crash
Here is the piece of code that deletes all the bind msgs
Code: Select all
foreach bind [binds msg] {
regexp -- {(.+)\s(.+)\s(.+)\s.+\s(.+)} $bind tmp type flags command name
regsub -all -- {([^\*]+)} $name {} result
if {$result == "*"} {
catch {unbind $type $flags $command $name}
This unbinds all the msg binds thus i need a script that rebinds the userinfo