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New directory on a FTP server...shown an a irc channel. Poss

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Alexandre R

Post by Alexandre R »


My english might be not correct please forgive me I'm french :smile:

I've got a FTP server running under Debian 2.2. I would like to know if it's possible to do that when my friends and I are connected on an irc channel, we can see what is the new directories or files uploaded on my server automatically. Like this everyone know what is new on my ftp.

To do so I install an eggdrop but I think I need a script to do this (I'm not sure) because I read that the bot can only speak or protect my channel...

I'll be very happy if you can help me to solve my problem or guide me on the net, because there are lot of web page about eggdrop, and I can't find what I look for....and I'm on this problem 1 week ago. I'm getting really maaaaad :smile:

Best Regards,

Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by GTM »

This depends on what ftpserver you are running. There are alot of nice scripts for glftpd that does what wanted.
Posts: 239
Joined: Sun May 12, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: chicago

Post by tainted »

Write a script to run a command to compare two files which contain the directories and their contents (one being a ls -all * of the ftp root and maybe even deeper into directories?? and the other being an older one from any set amount of time before.) and display additions or deletions? Just an idea, dont look at me to write it. :|