ok i have this idea about my channel in ircnet (i got the idea from torrentbits channel). is there a way to build a script like this.
1. i add host *!*@ to own userlist (txt file?).
2. user signs up (signup nick pass). (only once then he has pass).
3. user with host *!*@ logins (/msg bot login nick pass).
4. bot invites this user to the channel end notices him with Access Granted message).
can anyone help me with that?
---- Edit
ok, i'm making the script on my own, it will check for H flag in userfile and if user has that flag he will be invited to the channel but if anyone could help me how to make it work like /msg botnick login <code> then pls tell (i will publish this script public when it will be done:D) i found that passwdok in commands.doc but can't get it to work