So i have a good idea.
Anti Channel Spam script.
The Script must analize any line containing "#" symbol.
Then he must see to Server's Channel List (/list) and if there is such channel, as line contain, only then he must ban user.
Also, there are scripts like mc.badwords that you maybe can use to prevent spam (if I'm not mistaking, haven't tried it myself). Set "join #*" or "come to #*" etc as badwords. If that doesn't work .. start learning TCL =)
So i have a good idea.
Anti Channel Spam script.
The Script must analize any line containing "#" symbol.
Then he must see to Server's Channel List (/list) and if there is such channel, as line contain, only then he must ban user.
#huj (250) Topic
Bot sets mode +b *!
nick was kicked by Bot (Channel Spam)
Just a little comment:
If you do /list on a 30k user network such as DALnet the /list command can take upto 5-10 mins just to sum up and display the channels as the bot has queues in receiving and sending data through the client server and if it does it too fast even through raw the server could kill the bot on excess flood. (Then again if the spammers channel is set to +s it wont be shown up in the list, and that is not good)
So this type of idea is not realistic and even if it works it would take the bot 5 mins or more after the list is generated to search the channels and if any text matches that word, we would suppose that person would be kicked and banned by the bot after 5 mins if any matching result is found, and by those 5 mins an op etc would have already kicked that spammer if I am right.
There is a script I released it has alot of features and is quite simple in configuring. You can setup the matching words. If the #channel name is detected on the #channel the bot won't ban it. E.g. if someone says #chatzone on the channel #chatzone that user won't be banned. If he says text matching to adverts not only an # or http:// or www. then only he/she will be banned.