#Usage: !explain ourwebsite
#Set the word here to match.
set explainword "ourwebsite"
#Set the website matching the word here to display.
set explaindef "http://ourwebsite of course/"
### SCRIPT ###
bind pub n !explain explanation
explanation {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick explainword explaindef
if {([string equal -nocase $explainword [lindex $text 0]])} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :The website for $explainword is: $explaindef";
return 0
Thx in advance for any help you can give me
Ask a simple question get a simple reply.
New to all this tcl stuff guys, give me a break.
If ya'll aren't too upset with me I do have another question?
The procedure says PRIVMSG but shows up in the room instead of giving the info to the person asking for the website address. Should the $chan be $nick?
and sorry about the multiple ?'s .. been my way of typing for years, and am trying to stop doing it while talking with you ppl.
You guys are the best that there is here finding out what's what with this stuff. Believe it or not I do appreciate it.
PRIVMSG is the irc command to send messages...the target can be a nick or a channel (so you're right about that change)
The "rude" comment about the manual is my signature, and if you find it offensive, you probably have some manual reading to do
Well thank you User for answering, I meant it not derogatory by any means, I am just trying to learn. Guess they should have a Slennox learners room for new TCL scripters and not throw them to the wolves, so to speak. Again, I apoligize for the extra ?'s in there and will refrain from offending anyone in the future. Thanks for your comments, and as I have said before you guys are great.