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simple script

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simple script

Post by bair »

I'm new at TCL, could someone script this for me, hopefully ill just be able to use this as an example and go from there. I have a channel called #invitescrim:s and I want all the people with +o and +v to be able to kick/ban people with no access by typing .noti namehere. So i could type .noti dumbo and it would kick/ban dumbo (he cant be a peon or op). Thanks.
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Re: simple script

Post by ^DooM^ »

bair wrote:I'm new at TCL, could someone script this for me, hopefully ill just be able to use this as an example and go from there. I have a channel called #invitescrim:s and I want all the people with +o and +v to be able to kick/ban people with no access by typing .noti namehere. So i could type .noti dumbo and it would kick/ban dumbo (he cant be a peon or op). Thanks.
If i understood what you were asking correctly this should do the trick.

Code: Select all

bind pub - .noti pub_kick

proc pub_kick {nick uhost hand chan args} {

    global botnick

    set args [lindex $args 0]
    set lamer [lindex $args 0]
    if {[!isop $nick] || [!isvoice $nick]} {
        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :You dont have access to this command."
        return 0
    if {[botisop $chan]} {
        if {[string length $args] > 0} {
            if {($lamer == $botnick)} { 
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Why the hell would i want to kick myself?"
                return 0
            if {[string length [lindex $args 1]] == 0} {
                set reason "kicked and banned by $nick"
            } else { 
                set reason [lrange $args 1 end]
            if {[onchan $lamer $chan]} { 
                newchanban $chan *!*@[lindex [split [getchanhost $lamer $chan] @] 1] $nick $reason 120
                utimer 5 [putkick $chan $lamer $reason]
            } else { 
                puthelp "NOTICE $nick :no such nick on channel!"
        } else { 
            puthelp "NOTICE $nick :usage .noti <nick> <reason> - kicks and bans a nick "
    } else { 
        puthelp "NOTICE $nick :i dont have ops!" 
Hope this helps :wink:
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Post by demond »

^DooM^, your solution is like "Hello, world" program in Win32 API ;)

this shoud get that guy started:

Code: Select all

bind pub ov .noti foo
proc foo {n u h c t} {
  if {[nick2hand $t $c] == "*"} {
    newchanban $c [maskhost $t![getchanhost $t $c]] $n out
    putkick $c $t out
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Demond i intentionally wrote it that way as the guy is 'NEW' to TCL.

You can follow my script quite easily and work out what each part is doing.

Your script is too advanced for beginners although they do the same job. I was just trying to give the guy a nice easy start.

If i saw {n u h c t} for the first time I wouldn't have a clue what they meant. :lol:

also if you read what he said he wanted people with no access which i took to mean they weren't added to the bots userlist so binding 'ov' wouldn't work
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Post by bair »

thanks, when i said no access i simply meant they were an op or a voice in the channel (has nothing to do with the eggdrops userlist, just chanserv's), all the ops and voiced people can kick the nonopped and nonvoiced people by doing .noti name, is that how these are set up?
Last edited by bair on Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

have you added the ops and voiced people into the bots userlist?

The script i wrote should work regardless of if they are added to the bot or not it just works on if they have ops or voice in channel. My script also checks to see if the person being kicked and banned is in the channel and that the user has actually typed a nick into the command line and if not they are shown howto use the command.

demonds script is just a simple kickban script as was intended but no checks at all and no help it will just execute that script if the person is there or not. but demonds script does require that the users of the command are added to the bots userlist.

They both will have the same result the offender will be removed from the channel. :wink:
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Post by bair »

i dont want to have to add anyone to the bot's userlist, ops and voices can use it at default
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Post by ^DooM^ »

bair wrote:i dont want to have to add anyone to the bot's userlist, ops and voices can use it at default
Thats what i thought you meant from your original posting.

Its upto you what you use as its your bot we just offer help and let you decide what you want todo with that help. :wink:
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Post by demond »

bair wrote:i dont want to have to add anyone to the bot's userlist, ops and voices can use it at default
try this:

Code: Select all

bind pub - .noti kbpeon
proc kbpeon {nick uhost hand chan text} {
  set victim [lindex [split $text] 0]
  if ![botisop $chan] return
  if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
    if {![isop $victim $chan] && ![isvoice $victim $chan]} {
      putserv "mode $chan +b [maskhost $victim![getchanhost $victim]]"
      putserv "kick $chan $victim :peon kickban"
Last edited by demond on Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by awyeah »

Why not combine them together to make it smaller and faster?

Code: Select all

proc pub - .noti kbpeon

proc kbpeon {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
 if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] && ![isvoice [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan]} {
  putserv "mode $chan +b [maskhost [lindex [split $text] 0]![getchanhost [lindex [split $text] 0]]]"
  putserv "kick $chan [lindex [split $text] 0] :peon kickban"; return 0

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Post by demond »

lindex'ing and splitting several times instead of just once is hardly smaller & faster, don't you think? besides, the proc execution time in this case is totally irrelevant - as your return 0's
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Post by awyeah »

Na I was just saying to reduce this:

Code: Select all

  if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
    if {![isop $victim $chan] && ![isvoice $victim $chan]} { 

to this:

  if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] && ![isvoice [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan]} {

Two if statements can be put together into one
Obviously lindexing it at first is for easier reading ability, and as for the return 0, its same as like halt. Well it is not compulsory and executes after everything has executed so I wouldn't count it to delay anything. It's just if you want to use it or not, doesn't make a big difference within this proc.

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Post by demond »

return 0 same as halt? what are you talking about?? we're not dealing with mIRC scripting here...

the return code from [bind pub] proc is only relevant if it's 1, which means log the command; you are confused with other type binds (ctcp, raw, etc.) which force the bot to discontinue further processing of that event if return 1 (not 0!); I suppose you actually meant that "halt", which has nothing to do with [bind pub] proc